Hello from the Bayou


Jun 1, 2020
Hello all.
My name is Ken and I live in Cajun country.
I went almost almost 25 years without being in the woods mostly from pursuing college, professional school, business, marriage and kids. About 4 years ago I bought a nice rifle and bow for my son and we began hunting together. Several times each year we go on father-son hunts, mostly paid and its seriously one of my passions. All boundries fall when your in a stand with your son and the memories are priceless.. I am alive when I am in the woods. There is a rifle on the classified page that I am interested in but do not have the privilege to post so here I am with a brief introduction. I am a student of guns and a student of the woods. I look forward from learning from this forum.
"Pa-Pa said Son don't let the man get-cha, do what he done to me"

Welcome to the Forum from the People's Republic of Maryland!!
Hello all.
My name is Ken and I live in Cajun country.
I went almost almost 25 years without being in the woods mostly from pursuing college, professional school, business, marriage and kids. About 4 years ago I bought a nice rifle and bow for my son and we began hunting together. Several times each year we go on father-son hunts, mostly paid and its seriously one of my passions. All boundries fall when your in a stand with your son and the memories are priceless.. I am alive when I am in the woods. There is a rifle on the classified page that I am interested in but do not have the privilege to post so here I am with a brief introduction. I am a student of guns and a student of the woods. I look forward from learning from this forum.
Welcome from New York no not the city!!!
Youngsville, ha, I am 2 miles from it... if you havent seen it in the last 10 years its grown 1000 fold...
I'm sure it has, it used to be small town ....I'm sure its grown and way more expensive than back I'm '93 when I was there. I got a ticket for running a stop sign from the chief of police back then--$100 cash solved that problem right quick. I'm sure it's a whole different world now. Those were the party days for me though
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