Hello from Bremen, GA


Active Member
Nov 17, 2012
Bremen, Georgia
I've been around guns, reloading and hunting since I was a little boy helping my papa load. Last 20 years, I've been collecting guns and reloading equipment perhaps as way to reconnect with my papa and all those fond memories. On my 60 acre horse/goat farm on the west side of Georgia, I am only able to practice to 600 yards, but the deer and turkey are plentiful and I consistently take wild life at 300-400 yards.

My Browning A-Bolt Medallion w/BOSS in 300 Mag and a Bushnell Elite-4200 6-24-40 scope have served me well and I am very confident at instant kill shots (better tasting meat :) However, I have always been facinated with 1,000 plus yards for some reason. Knowing a lot of the variables involved (and learning more and more that I don't know about every day), is probably what intrigues me most about LRH.

A LOT of things have to happen correctly to make a 1,000 plus yard kill shot, though in reading these forums "Broz" makes it seem easy. On top of that, military snipers are getting better and are shooting 1,500 yards, 2,000 yards and now 2,707 yards!!!

So, I have pulled the perverbial trigger (pun intended ;-) and started building a long range hunting rifle. I plan to do a yearly hunting trip out west with my brother every year for Elk, Moose, etc. My goal would be to at some point have a chance at a 1,000 yard or more shot and actually take it because I am confident enough in my weapon and skills; to take the animal down instantly.

For my weapon (with a some what tight budget) I have chosen the Savage 110 FCP HS Precision in .338 Lapua Magnum with the Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50 FFP scope with EBR-1 MOA reticle. There's lots of other little details (rail, rings, ADI, level, bipod, monopod, travel case, etc.) that I am having a blast researching and reading articles on this great site about.

As you can see, I have no problem spitting out text. Hopefully over time I can add some value to this site. Though a "Broz" I will probably never become, though enjoy reading and aspire to be... Happy Shooting :)
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