Happy Father's Day to all !

Long time ago, after getting separated from the ex, I wasn't allowed to take my twins anywhere at first. They were 5 and so wanted to learn about fishing like their older sister. I found an 18-20" deep, 9 foot diameter, wading pool. I knew a farmer who had several ponds who raised fish for locals ponds and lakes. I explained my situation, he came and looked, then brought me 18 nice sized bluegills. I added a submersible pond pump to keep the water aerated. He also brought a dozen big crawdads to keep it clean. I can still remember the day, taking them to the backyard, handing each a pole, which did give them cause to question my sanity...until that first bobber disappeared...what a day. Couple years ago, I was asked to make them something for Christmas. I crafted "Keepsake boxes" with hidden locks to open them. Locks are made as part of the box and have to be manipulated to open. Inside, on the lids, I varnished in pictures from that day. That's my neighbors boat in the background. They never forget the first time fishing.
That is/was awesome what you did for your two girls.
I was divorced when my son was four. Had joint custody but bouncing the child back forth between mother and father is rough on child and parents. He was allowed to stay at whatever house for ever long he wanted by age 8. We only lived 1.5 mi. apart. When he was about 12 he staid at my house full time for 10 years before he moved out. I was lucky. My ex and I got along great and the 3 of did things together all the time. She is still a best friend and was bummed when I moved out of state. I don't know why I told you all of that but I guess because I could relate to it. Forgot to say, I had my son shooting by age 4 and hunted with me , then he got hunting license and deer tags, etc. and hunted with me. He killed his first buck deer and buck lope here in 2010 . The another buck deer in 2012.
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