
That sounds dead on I think. They want to push their green agenda based on their climate hysteria and we all get to pay for it. With our taxes and our quality of life.
Yep! Gonna' generate electricity with pixie dust, unicorn farts and wishful thinking. That should keep our electric cars and trucks going down the road, our homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer! And what industry there is competitive with China. At this time, there is NO replacement for fossil fuels. Yet, American and North American oil is heavily regulated, canceled, frowned upon. We will be down right lucky if this doesn't bring on a full recession or worse,,,,,, much worse. Unleaded was $3.59 and diesel was $4,19, yesterday. We don't know what today and tomorrow might bring (except for the continued refusal to produce our own gas and oil, and higher prices on everything in the name of "saving the planet"). While we continue to import oil from production over seas, from places where they really don't like us,
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Yep! Gonna' generate electricity with pixie dust, unicorn farts and wishful thinking. That should keep our electric cars and trucks going down the road, our homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer! And what industry there is competitive with China. At this time, there is NO replacement for fossil fuels. Yet, American and North American oil is heavily regulated, canceled, frowned upon. We will be down right lucky if this doesn't bring on a full recession or worse,,,,,, much worse. Unleaded was $3.59 and diesel was $4,19, yesterday. We don't know what today and tomorrow might bring (except for the continued refusal to produce our own gas and oil, and higher prices on everything in the name of "saving the planet"). While we continue to import oil from production over seas, from places where they really don't like us,
Its the oil companies refusing to pump more oil. The government has nothing to do with it. Think about it. Oil is around $116 a barrel. Oil is a commodity that is sold on the world market and everyone across the globe pays the same amount. It probably needs to drop to around $80 a barrel to get gas prices where they should be. How much more oil would oil companies need to pump in order to get it down to $80 a barrel on the global market? The big question is, why should they? They would need to double production to make the money that they are making now by simply sitting back and doing nothing. Oil companies are in high heaven right now. They are raking in record profits and someone else is getting the blame.
Not one single person has mentioned Putin's invasion of Ukraine, which have driven gas prices up $.12-.15 in the last week alone....
I'm sure the War is driving fuel prices up. The main reason is we're buying 100% of oil now vs Nov 2019 when we became independent.
There is no question that the war is driving up prices. As for our oil independence, if that is what you want to call it, ended in 2020 when there was a different administration. Also, we are not buying 100% of our oil from foreign countries. The US exports oil as well as imports. Up until 2020, the US was exporting more than it imported. Of course, it was not that administration's fault that we lost our "Oil Independence". If you had to blame something, it would be the pandemic and the oil war Russia was having with opec which drove the prices down into the negative and it was not profitable enough for US companies to pump more oil to keep us "Independent". Thats not their concern. Of course, we like to blame the politicians when its not our guy in office. The whole reason that oil companies and Putin are not being held accountable for the gas prices currently is that if we blame it all on the current administration, it helps the helps politicians on the other side of the isle in 2022 and 2024. In other words, its purely political and not based on reality.
Do you
Its the oil companies refusing to pump more oil. The government has nothing to do with it. Think about it. Oil is around $116 a barrel. Oil is a commodity that is sold on the world market and everyone across the globe pays the same amount. It probably needs to drop to around $80 a barrel to get gas prices where they should be. How much more oil would oil companies need to pump in order to get it down to $80 a barrel on the global market? The big question is, why should they? They would need to double production to make the money that they are making now by simply sitting back and doing nothing. Oil companies are in high heaven right now. They are raking in record profits and someone else is getting the blame.
Do you blame them? The last time they took the risk to expand, the oil market dropped and left them with much debt. Frackers went under and Biden stated his goal was to put oil out of business. Then we hit an election year, Biden gathers some oil CEO's and asks them to ramp up production cause high gas pro es look bad for the sitting president. One told him that biden stated he'd put them out of business yet now he wants their help. He said he wasn't going to drill, they'd sell at higher prices and pay off debt. From a financial standpoint I don't blame them.
Its the oil companies refusing to pump more oil. The government has nothing to do with it. Think about it. Oil is around $116 a barrel. Oil is a commodity that is sold on the world market and everyone across the globe pays the same amount. It probably needs to drop to around $80 a barrel to get gas prices where they should be. How much more oil would oil companies need to pump in order to get it down to $80 a barrel on the global market? The big question is, why should they? They would need to double production to make the money that they are making now by simply sitting back and doing nothing. Oil companies are in high heaven right now. They are raking in record profits and someone else is getting the blame.
Where I live is "oil patch". With the heavy regulations placed on drilling and pipelines it has raised the costs substantually to drill a new well or lay a new pipeline. No longer can you run a new pipeline on Indian land or on US Gov owned land, and alot of the land in this part of the world is of that nature. That all happened at the same time Keystone was 'canceled'. That Exec Order that shut down Keystone shut down a lot of other things, also. There are no new oil/gas leases off shore or on Gov owned lands. I know of one pipeline company that had to stop construction of a couple lines they were laying because of the Exec Order that 'canceled' crossings on Gov/Indian land. I mean just like the border wall, shut down now. No completing because of contracts, no nothing, stop construction now. Many wells that were producing marginal ammounts of oil and gas have been required to be capped because of new environment regs. Those that do that work are busy! It ain't all on the oil companies!
Dang, $4.29 this morning. And it's expected to get worse.
Brother you know that somebody can poot on a train in England and gas goes up a dime here, I cant imagine how high it will go with all thats going on now