Gaia GPS vs OnX. Or, a different gps tracker??


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2013
I’m ride horses, atv’s, and hunt an area that is 1/2 WV and 1/2 VA. I also travel out west once/year for elk. I’d like to see property boundaries, track horse trails and hiking, and be able to use fully offline. What do you guys use??
I have the OnX, it tells me who's land I'm on whether it's private, state or federal. I have the Arizona card, but cards for most states and some with several states are available. Had a similar card, but it wasn't nearly as useful as the OnX.
Phone app; Back Country Navigator Pro. You can pre download maps for selected areas so you do not need cell service and also add layers like BLM land status and hunt units for additional charge.
I’m ride horses, atv’s, and hunt an area that is 1/2 WV and 1/2 VA. I also travel out west once/year for elk. I’d like to see property boundaries, track horse trails and hiking, and be able to use fully offline. What do you guys use??
OnX app. You can download maps to your phone for offline use.
I use Gaia and really like it. It has the game management boundaries, public and private ownership, past fires, and many other overlays. You can try it free for 1 week. However, it does not work well on non Apple products.
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