Free Giveaway- Salmon River Solutions


Official LRH Sponsor
LRH Sponsor
Feb 16, 2017
North Idaho
Hello everyone. As a better way to popularize my rifle to tripod mounts, I am going to be giving one of my Arca+pic rails away for free. I will also do a 5/8-24 Ti 3 port muzzle brake .865" OD .282 thru bore.

Now, your not entering yourself to win, you are nominating someone close to you that you hunt or shoot with often!

I want to know why you think this person is a great hunting partner and you enjoy being in the outdoors with them! Stories are encouraged to show why they are your go to hunting buddy! Be as thorough as you would like. If you think they would benefit more from either prize, please mention it in the post, and why!

Entry is easy, but a good story and pics will go a long way!

One prize will go to whoever receives the most likes, and one to someone I think had the best post. I'll accept entries for a week, so Sunday evening 5/10 I will announce the winners.

Good Luck!
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