Foxpro Spitfire vs Johnny stewart preymaster?


New Member
Dec 3, 2009
I've been getting into coyote hunting recently and have been building up my call collection and decided to try out an electronic call. Yesterday I got a foxpro spitfire for 160$ which was 40$ off so I figured it was a good deal. Would you reccomend this over the johnny stewart preymaster? I'm limited to under 200$(I'm 17 and broke) or are there any other contenders in the <200$ price range?
You just can't beat Foxpro !

#1 customer service and there products are top of the line !!

my vote will Always be the FOXPRO !!!


I have been very happy with my Foxpro and there service.

I used it last year for turkeys (Legal in Texas) and filled my tags with it.

It also worked on hogs and coyotes.

There are other good brands but I chose the FX 3 and have not been dissapointed.

We use the Johnny Stewart (wired). It's pretty rare for it not to pull a coyote from the woods into the open field. We have 4 of the cartridges. We mix and match until it comes out. We are shooting from a 2-man elevated deer blind just off center of a field about 700 yards from the furthest wooded area. We stretch the speaker out on a barbwire fence.
Just bought a new Spitfire. Like it a lot, but I have not actually hunted with it yet, so we will see. bought it from All Predator Calls. They put in the sounds I requested. Remote works great. Anxious to get out.
"""I've been getting into coyote hunting recently and have been building up my call collection and decided to try out an electronic call. Yesterday I got a foxpro spitfire for 160$ which was 40$ off so I figured it was a good deal. Would you reccomend this over the johnny stewart preymaster? I'm limited to under 200$(I'm 17 and broke) or are there any other contenders in the <200$ price range? """

the foxpro has my vote. i just can't find it on sale. where did you find it for 160. I cant find it under 200.
My family uses the "wired" Johnny Stewart. I liked it so much I bought my own. it's 99$ for the wired one. You can get the wireless one on sale from time to time. Works great on 'yotes.
I have a FP Spitfire and love it. The only negetive I have is that its NOT weather proof. If its snowing or raining, I have to put it in a big zip lock bag. But for $200, or in your case $160........cant beat it, and yes it works great, loud enough and clear. I started late this year and the first time I actually got serious about calling, I nailed my first yote. He came in hard from behind me, down wind and almost ATE my caller. I wont look back.
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