Food Prices and On the Shelves Supply

Seven to ten days before eating. I don't know how long they last after that. I keep them refrigerated and have lost them toward the back of the fridge for two months and they were still great. I have two dozen going into the brine in the morning.
I think they will last a few months easy. I just finished a jar that a made more than six months ago. I didn't get sick.
So how were the Sardine stuffed jalapeños? Worried they might have got a little mushy. Or did you mix the sardines with cream cheese first?
I left them on the bbq while I ate to cook more. Forgot about them and the onion. Was in bed and had a sober moment. Got up and went out and got them. Glad the coals died out. There were cooked perfect. I took a bite on way in. Then my mouth was burning 😳 I'll eat them tonight. I like them stuffed with tuna or cream cheese. Sardines might not be as good but I'll eat almost anything. I didn't put any cheese in them..
My wife lived in Chile for a semester and traveled around South America. She and a friend were at an event and a street vendor was selling grilled/rotisseried meat on a stick, calling "gattito, gattito". Friend got some and while muching away asked: "what is this?"

The vendor, somewhat perplexed, answered "Gattito??" (Kitten)

She didn't finish the snack 😂
That's freaky ! 😳
When I have done this in past, I have found that my wife was the "clock or calendar" when they had to be removed. Same with pickled deer heart curing. She would say it is pumping on its own now, so time to go!
Wow ! Pickled deer heart. What a great idea ! I love elk and deer heart. I always save and takes buddies of they don't want it. Liver also.
Last Sept. I burned my Ca. Deer points . From the buck I shot I took the heart, liver, tongue and balls. I took a pic of all laying on a rock. Almost everybody asked , what are those two white things ? I bet pickeled tongue be good also. You have to skin it .
This is a great thread !
Here's some pics of the little California buck from last year. His rack is bigger than the buck I shot here last year. Lol !
the one pic is all that's left of him. I didn't want the ribs. Left them for the yotes to knaw on. Those pieces by heart are the loins.
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I saw a woman cooking bobcat the other day on tv. Kinda weird but I'd eat it before a coyote. Also heard people eating mountain lion. I'd eat it before the first two.
Bear can be good. I wonder what wolf tastes like...
I make my own picked eggs. Sometimes I use beet juice.
I like beets ! I know they have to taste better than yote !
Bear can be great. Had bear steaks in Alaska. would have asked for seconds but spouse elbowed me.

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