Filled My Antelope Tag Today!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT

I stalked the herd of 60 with about 15 bucks for 2.5 hours. The first time the whitetails gave me away. The second time the cows gave me away. The third time I was on top of little hill (*) and crawled to within 338 yards away. I laid down and observed (I actually dozed off for a few minutes) them bedded for ~ 45 minutes.

I was getting tired and the clouds were rolling in and it's suppose to rain at noon not to mention the 15-20 MPH cross winds. It drizzled before 0700ish. This was not the biggest one off the herd but presented me the best shot (quartering away bedded). This fell with 1 shot of 178gr Hornady A-max from my trusty old Savage111F .300WM @ 338 yards away - around 1030ish. 5 minutes after I got to my truck, it started to rain.

Dragged it for 1.5 miles on a deer sleigh. Currently being processed and will be donated to the Community Food Bank.

Now my back is killing me, a reminder that I am not as young as I used to be :D.


Be a hunter and help feed the hungry!

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FEENIX, congratulations!!! Glad to know a lot of LRH members are doing very well in the hunting season. I enjoyed reading your post. I also liked the picture, with your bucks head supported by the bipod in your rifle.:)
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