Out of town work and competition has kept me away for a bit.
Germán A. Salazar is a very nice man, a good shooter and a lawyer who just happens to write a blog. I have shot with him on squads in Phoenix although I'm sure he won't remember me. Simply writing a blog does not make anyone an expert which might be the contributing factor to some of the confusion. Don't misunderstand, the internet is a marvelous place to read and be entertained. Sometimes it's even a good platform for learning as long as the writer is qualified. But many times there is information which is incorrect and needs to be corrected or at least explained more thoroughly. Prevalent misuse of some terms is not a reason or excuse to continue using the wrong terms nor does it make the wrong terms right.
A perfect example is the misuse of the term 'clip' instead of the proper term 'magazine' in context when referring to DBM. Or even more mundane, the corporate product name 'Kleenex' used as a generic description for every facial tissue on the market. We all do that, I'm pretty sure... Or the exact differences between the .223 Remington cartridge and the 5.56 NATO cartridge. Or even more pervasive, using the term 'CALIBER' when the proper term should be 'CARTRIDGE'. The two are NOT interchangeable, they are mutually exclusive by definition.
Now be that as it may, the terms LEADE and THROAT as I laid them out are still the industry standard, proper terms and use. If folks decide to use something other than these terms in another type of description, that's up to them. Those of us who function in the daily technical aspects of gunsmithing design, production and teaching will continue to use the terms as I stated above. I was merely trying to add a little bit of information to the general knowledge base.