"Emotional Support Dogs".....SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?

Coyotes are my emotional support dog. Popping a coyote for me is probably similar to popping a Prozac for others!!
It sucks when people take advantage of other peoples real problems, it makes everyone skeptical and ruins it for people that actually benefit from it. You should have to a prescription from a doctor to have one in public and the dogs should have to be trained and certified.
The last thing anyone wants is some @ss%$#@'s Rottweiler drooling an farting all over the restaurant they're trying to have a decent meal at. It's fricken disgusting. Nasty little creatures......they're all wolves you know!!!
The last thing anyone wants is some @ss%$#@'s Rottweiler drooling an farting all over the restaurant they're trying to have a decent meal at.

Last month I had to have a "meeting" with one of the Circuit Court Judges because some (insert expletive here) brought in to the lobby their "emotional support dog" and it immediately took a leak on the trash-can just inside the door. The friggin guy just turned around, took the dog outside and left the property. Never even offered to clean up the mess that his "piece of (expletive) dog" left behind.....
Has anyone seen a real service dog??

They are insanely impressive. You know it when you see it. I have buddies who are paralyzed or amputees and the dogs literally open doors, guard them, get their attention when people are trying to speak to the owner, help them in and out of their chairs. It's awesome. I saw a dog that knew it's owners PTSD triggers and would literally smother their owner to get them to calm down.

Our greater Swiss mountain dog is a therapy dog. There are certain rules for service dogs. She counts as one but its extremely limited in her capacity. She's the dog you see at schools and in hospitals literally just making people happy. I think that's the majority of what we are seeing today. I love my dog and she's a sweet girl but her cert doesn't hold a candle to a service dog. A service dog is legitimately a working dog.

Anyway, purpose of the post is be careful confusing service dogs with therapy or emotional support dogs. Service dogs are legit and sometimes you can't tell certain folks disabilities. But I agree people are abusing something as serious as the title of a service dog for their own personal benefit.
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be careful confusing service dogs with therapy or emotional support dogs. Service dogs are legit and sometimes you can't tell certain folks disabilities

Very True! According to the ADA asking the person about their disability is a strict "No-No". However, it is completely appropriate (and at times necessary) to inquire as to what service the dog provides.
Has anyone seen a real service dog??

They are insanely impressive. You know it when you see it. I have buddies who are paralyzed or amputees and the dogs literally open doors, guard them, get their attention when people are trying to speak to the owner, help them in and out of their chairs. It's awesome. I saw a dog that knew it's owners PTSD triggers and would literally smother their owner to get them to calm down.

Our greater Swiss mountain dog is a therapy dog. There are certain rules for service dogs. She counts as one but its extremely limited in her capacity. She's the dog you see at schools and in hospitals literally just making people happy. I think that's the majority of what we are seeing today. I love my dog and she's a sweet girl but her cert doesn't hold a candle to a service dog. A service dog is legitimately a working dog.

Anyway, purpose of the post is be careful confusing service dogs with therapy or emotional support dogs. Service dogs are legit and sometimes you can't tell certain folks disabilities. But I agree people are abusing something as serious as the title of a service dog for their own personal benefit.
They are called man's best friend for a reason ! Many smart dogs out there ! As I stated I would rather deal with some of them than with their owners ! You can tell by looking most times who really needs them by their side and who just wants little Lucy Bell to be with them !
They are the same people that park in handicapped spaces with no reason to use one other than entitled. The dog is just a "look at me" to bring attention to yourself. It's like I say about smokers.....if you can't function long enough to eat without a cig in your mouth.....you bigger issues than just not being able to light up and ruin everyone's meal.
They are the same people that park in handicapped spaces with no reason to use one other than entitled. The dog is just a "look at me" to bring attention to yourself. It's like I say about smokers.....if you can't function long enough to eat without a cig in your mouth.....you bigger issues than just not being able to light up and ruin everyone's meal.
Agree, 100% that they have a problem if they can't go an hour without a cig. !!! I smoked for maybe 15-20 years from about age 17, then after I was married for about 15 years my wife bought me a $15 kit too quite smoking and it worked ! I was so ****ed off I said I don't need this @%$# to quite smoking and quite cold turkey and have not smoked since ! That was also on my wife's birthday back in the 80's ! Missed it for a while, mainly when I was around someone that was smoking ! Amazing what those kits can do !
I would be very careful! The wrong statement to the right person could cost you your job and perhaps a Law suit against you and your employer!
Just like my handicap parking card..Do you want to challenge my Orthopedic Surgeon
and my Lawyer in court? Might not be a good idea?
The ADA is not a joke!
The fact that EVERYONE has a camera now has brought a lot of law enforcement
into line!.. I as the public have every right to film a public employee on the job!
And they have NO right to tell me to stop! This has been upheld by the courts many times! My wife has a subscription to West Law and every precedent setting case is in there!
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If it's carried in your purse it's likely not providing much service.

Legit service dogs are remarkable, and it's a shame their work is being diminished by charlatans.

Of course these days we have a lot of people not house broke enough to allow in stores.
People these days have to grow some thick skin, i agree we can learn a thing or two from animals around us but come on.
I would be very careful! The wrong statement to the right person could cost you your job and perhaps a Law suit against you and your employer!

Most definitely. However, The Circuit Court Judges (in this county anyways) have reviewed the brief from the ADA and have affirmed that "Emotional Support Dogs" are NOT service animals and they want us as deputies to deny their entry into their Courthouse. Around here what the Circuit Court Judges say is what happens.....
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