clients get 10 shots to hit the golfball (easter egg this time)

That's the challenge I did let 2 shoot 15 do too bad ammo fliers (factory ammo)
if they hit or not is no big deal its about reading wind and scope cant!
It's a game of chance (most take 5-10 shots to hit a golf ball if they do hit) and attention to detail, That's what I teach. I do this every week all year round not sure about Benchrest I have no interest in that, we teach long-range hunting here
I have trained many BR guys, PRS, Military and Pro's from many disciplines over the last 7 years as a civilian.
So far none of them could really read the wind without flags and wind meters until they came here, as I teach!
no sighters and they have to help with the wind calls, but I do most of the wind calling in level 1.
normally out of 10 students in class 2 to 3 hit the golf ball (this class was an exception)
Bipod and rear squeeze bag is what we use
come see for yourself thats all I can say