

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2011
Never again will I waste my time and money with a cuddeback camera.. Short version of a loooooooooooonnnnnngggggg story this is the 2nd one I will have to return bacause it quit working, the thing hasnt even taken 100 pics at the most. I got one last year for my B-day put it out within 2 weeks all the pics it would take were just black screens.. So I returned that one in exchange for another one thinking ok just a fluke well this one hasnt even been out 3 months and taken maybe 100 pics. This one will be on its way back to cuddeback as soon as I find that D**n receipt....gun)Anybody else have any bad luck with cuddeback? I liked my 50dollar moultrie cam better than this one at least the moultrie lasted 3 years before it went bad and only god knows how many pics it took. RANT OVER
I've had a Bushnell Trophy Cam now for about 2 years and really like it. It's about the only thing I would recommend from Bushnell since the LRF I have by them sucks!!! Their customer service is pathetic. Anyway, the Bushnell has taken a gazillion pics and they all turn out well. And the battery life is GREAT.
I agree, Cuddeback cameras are absolute junk. Their customer service is awful as well. My camera broke and I sent it in twice before I gave up. It was like pulling teeth sending the thing back, and then when they supposedly 'fixed' it, it still didn't work. So, I have a broken camera and money wasted down the drain. All that drama made me buy a Reconyx and I haven't looked back since!
I am running 8 cuddebacks for about 8months out of the year. I have sent one back in 5 years. Crazy how different people have different luck with different brands.
I agree, I have been using cuddybacks for over 15 yrs now, and all mine still work?
and I have had many other brands, and NONE of them have the trigger speed or wake up time
electronic things all have issue's, and I truely believe that how they get from company/factory to the store makes a BIG deal on how well they work or last
same deal as if there hauled about on an ATV, all them vibrations I think play hell on them
I always take great care in handling mine, and won't say there perfect, as some times they seem to get brain dead and miss pic's, then go back to working great
but then again all the other am's I own also do
dampness too I think screws with there brains
But been running cuddybacks since 1998, with there 35mm film cam's, and still ahve and they still work, to several of there new cam's nver had to send a single one back
and I run cam's all yr any where froma couple hundred pic's a week over a feeder/plot to couple dozen a week on trails temps from -10 to about a 100 degree's

Funny some folks get so many problems
its like ford chevy dodge, fort every good one I guess there is 5 bad's
the new American way it seems! LOL
or is that way of the world, as nothing anymore seems to be ALL made in America anymore!

and everything is made to break, so you buy more!
the JOB security plan the modern world seems to have!
Same here. The only thing I do is take the batteries out if they are gonna be stored awhile. The guys that hunt next to me really like the little bushnells but they have there share of issues also. Everything is going infrared now and I have a few but still love the quality of the cuddeback flash. I have been able to get on several really mature turkeys by being able to see the spurs in my cuddeback pics.
I agree 100% nothing beat picture quality of a flash camera, all the more so at night
and one more thing I know about cuddybacks,
THEY have the best designed bear thief boxes on the market, could be beefier for sure, but they have the ONLY set up that protects the lock, which all other trail camera makers don't, any moron with a bolt cutter can just cut the lock and take the cameras
where as the cuddyback design, more or less covers and protects both the lock and the camera!
other companys need to step up in this area if you ask me
as WAY too many crooks out there in my neck of the woods
I got one a few years ago. Took it back because it wasn't field friendly. Really poor customer service when trying to resolve the problems too. Maybe they're better now but I'm not very enthusiastic to find out.
I am running 8 cuddebacks for about 8months out of the year. I have sent one back in 5 years. Crazy how different people have different luck with different brands.

I'd say it depends entirely on the degree of gastrointestinal lavage...

In other words the ratio of gas to crap.:D
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