Christensen MPR 6mm Creedmoor


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
Frisco, Texas
Very interested in this rifle but have hard time finding actual, REAL, range reports.

Does anyone on here shoot the MPR by Christensen, Accuracy 100 to 500 yards?

Any caliber but preferably 6mm Creed. I'm trying to save a couple grand from going full custom.

Shoot matches 500 yards 8" 6" and 4" plates, so need great accuracy for under $4K including scope
I don't really know anything about CA and am not saying this to poop on them, but you should check out this isn't the only thread like this. I'm not saying don't buy one, but just want you to be aware.

Check out bergara spend a little time getting it to settle in you should have a great shooting rifle we have 3 that have been shot out to a 1000 and are impressive for their price all 3 are the b14 hmr seems shooting 105 Bergers they like to run around 3050. David
I recently purchased one in .308 with the 20" barrel earlier this spring. I don't have a whole bunch of rounds through it yet but so far I am extremely pleased. I wanted something for backpack hunting that was compact, easy to pack around and was lightweight. I know there's been talk about quality control and whatnot but I either got lucky or they figured out things as mine has been flawless. As far as accuracy, after the initial break-in and load development it's hovering right around 1/2 MOA or better. I still think I can tweak and fine tune my loads but the last two groups at 100yds were .494 and .381. When shooting the same load at 200yds, the first attempt I think was me and measured 1.22 and my second was better at .898. These are not corrected measurements, but from the widest part of the 3 shot groups. I haven't put anything on steel or targets yet any further than that, but on the same day I hit a basketball sized rock at 565yds 4 out of 4 shots with what appeared to be pretty consistent hits near center mass of the rock.

The chassis itself is probably, if not one of the nicest chassis I've personally seen or used. Some of the small set screws on the adjustable parts would work loose after a few rounds but a dab of blue lock-tite cured that problem. It feels extremely stable when shooting from my bench bag and recoil is next to nothing. Some of the con's would be there are a few very light machining marks on the receiver itself and if you want to take it out of the chassis portion, you also have to remove the handguard but other than that it's great. This is my only larger caliber rifle with a muzzle break and while it obviously cuts recoil, ( I was easily able to spot my hits when shooting the above mentioned rock) it is loud!! Cleaning is a breeze and the barrel is fouling free after just a few scrubs.

Not a real in-depth range report but I'm still tinkering with it. Our hunting season is kicking off here locally so hopefully soon enough I'll have settled on a load and have a few critters in the freezer....hope that helps
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