Case capacity-bergers


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2010
Sent an email to Walt Berger is reference to loading the 168 Hybrid for my 7 mag. I could not get the VLD to shoot. Anyway, he promptly returned my email and several of my favorite powders- Retumbo, H-1000, RE-25 had max loads at 100 to 106% of case capacity. Wouldn't this be considered as a compressed load and possibly have pressure issues? Anyone shooting loads like this? My barrel is a 26" Hart w/9 twist.

The loads may or may not be compressed depending on the specific gravity of the powder and actual case capacity. You may have pressure issues, just as you may have pressure issues with smaller charges...lots of other variables. Start lower and work up as usual.
Sent an email to Walt Berger is reference to loading the 168 Hybrid for my 7 mag. I could not get the VLD to shoot. Anyway, he promptly returned my email and several of my favorite powders- Retumbo, H-1000, RE-25 had max loads at 100 to 106% of case capacity. Wouldn't this be considered as a compressed load and possibly have pressure issues? Anyone shooting loads like this? My barrel is a 26" Hart w/9 twist.


yup 168gr classic hunter, and little stiffer snort of H1000 than what Walt's loading data suggests, Fed 215M works well with these loads also:) Right now I've got em 0.020 off the lands, I was going to go to the range yesterday to see if 0.060 or 0.080 off the lands would work so I can use my magazine. It was hunter sight in day:rolleyes: so I stayed home, maybe tomorrow morning.

Do search for H1000 in the 7mag and Berger bullets, shouldn't take you too long to get a feel how this load like to be ran. Hint it's on the warm side, I'm not getting pressures but I can't speak for others just be very careful and observant:)
I haven't been using bergers..........yet. I am shooting 162gr Hornady's for the moment. So I can't speak for the Bergers, but I do like the H1000 for 7Mag. Like said before, start low, work up. I've shot 1.5gr over max charge with no change in accuracy and no pressure signs.
Sent an email to Walt Berger is reference to loading the 168 Hybrid for my 7 mag. I could not get the VLD to shoot. Anyway, he promptly returned my email and several of my favorite powders- Retumbo, H-1000, RE-25 had max loads at 100 to 106% of case capacity. Wouldn't this be considered as a compressed load and possibly have pressure issues? Anyone shooting loads like this? My barrel is a 26" Hart w/9 twist.


One thing to remember is that as you increase your OAL you also are increasing you case capacity. This may or may not be the case with your particular gun, but as you move the bullet out of the case towards the lands, you make more room for powder. The downside is that pressure tends to spike the closer to the lands you get. It's a vicious circle, but eventually you will find that sweet spot
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