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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2020
Can you help me pm for this ad. Thx

Well-Known Member

JoinedOct 23, 2003Messages333
Nightforce 7-35x56 F1 MOAR reticle for sale. It has been in NF rings but never taken to the field. I took the rings off and wiped it off and it looks just as new out of the box. Comes with box and covers as new.
might want to try now....and please see the rules in the classifieds.
Can you help me pm for this ad. Thx

Well-Known Member

JoinedOct 23, 2003Messages333
Nightforce 7-35x56 F1 MOAR reticle for sale. It has been in NF rings but never taken to the field. I took the rings off and wiped it off and it looks just as new out of the box. Comes with box and covers as new.
I was looking through the optics forum this evening and saw your ad for a Vortex Razor Gen II with 7c reticle in MOA. This is the scope I have been looking for on Accurate Shooter, Armslist, River of Guns, Gun Broker, etc. but most scopes advertised are MRAD. I was surfing the web earlier this evening and saw a couple expired listings on LRS so I visited the optics forum, found your listing and remembered I established a user ID and password a couple years ago and forgot I had done this. Thought I could just simply send you a PM and you know the rest of the story. Finally found the administration directions requiring me to initiate 10 posts before I would be able to contact the seller/you in this case and by chance your name appeared With directions to another member experiencing the same issue. It is not my intention to try and bypass LRS‘s SOP. However, at the same time I would like to express my interest in purchasing your scope. If you would kindly acknowledge receipt of this transmittal and whether or not we can consummate a sales transaction onceI have completed 10 posts it would be much appreciated. Thank you, Brad
I replied to you and sent you my phone number.

Thank you to the other members who helped!
Have looked everywhere and do not see a phone number from you. Just wanted to let you know that is why you have not gotten a call from me.
Glad you are able to make a deal, but we do have these measures in place for a reason.
Fully understand and appreciate the way you administer this wonderful vehicle to share information between the members.
I'm new here, trying to get involved, and came across a situation where I wanted to send a message to someone and im not allowed to. I then realized also I can't post in classifieds either. Im already past the 10 post limit so not sure if that has anything to do with messaging another member. Can anyone help?
Warning! This thread is more than 4 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.