Burris xtrII availability


Mar 9, 2016
I've been reading and searching on this sight and have not seen my question addressed so here goes. I am wanting to purchase a burris xtr II 5-25 moa. I've been looking for months but nobody has any new ones available. I've tried contacting Burris along with some distributors but have not received more than an "I don't know", or "they should be here in a couple weeks". Is there anybody out there in the know about what exactly the issues are with the availability. Is this a quality control issue they're having problems with? A production issue? Any info would help. After months of research this is the scope I am really set on getting but I can't wait forever. Thanks
Well, the truth is, that things in the gun industry are just as likely not to be available to purchase as otherwise. In the old days, companies used to have a boat load of parts and products on the shelf just in case you wanted two. Now they realize that money on the shelf is not money in the bank so for those customers who aren't able to acquire their products, tuff s***. If you have "a" rifle that your kinda tricking out, somebody somewhere will totally not be able to give you what they busted their a** trying to sell you. Strange but true. You can die of cancer before you acquire the parts for your build. Anyway... your choices are, wait, purchase from a private party, buy another thing, take up fishing because they have what you need. What sucks is that, as your pubes begin to turn grey from waiting, the thing your waiting for won't make you another Carlos Hathcock. Yeah, that's right. Your just a little better than average. Have a nice day.
Well, the truth is, that things in the gun industry are just as likely not to be available to purchase as otherwise. In the old days, companies used to have a boat load of parts and products on the shelf just in case you wanted two. Now they realize that money on the shelf is not money in the bank so for those customers who aren't able to acquire their products, tuff s***. If you have "a" rifle that your kinda tricking out, somebody somewhere will totally not be able to give you what they busted their a** trying to sell you. Strange but true. You can die of cancer before you acquire the parts for your build. Anyway... your choices are, wait, purchase from a private party, buy another thing, take up fishing because they have what you need. What sucks is that, as your pubes begin to turn grey from waiting, the thing your waiting for won't make you another Carlos Hathcock. Yeah, that's right. Your just a little better than average. Have a nice day.

So true!. LOL. :D
So my next question would be.... If Burris can't supply what they offter, who else has an equivalent? 5×-25× or there abouts. FFP. Zero stop. Moa/moa. Illuminated reticle. Exposed turrets. Decent glass. Below $2000. And NOT a vortex pst.
Be patient, you can get the Burris, shot show puts everyone behind.

Eventually. But when? In January it was a couple of weeks. It's now the end of March and the best I can get is "the end of April". But I heard the same thing about January, February and again this month, March. I've been waiting to mount a scope since November. At this point my new rifle is just collecting dust
Have you tried SWFA ?

I've had the 3-15x XTR2 since Dec and love it, outstanding glass !
going to get a couple more in 4-20x to replace the PST and HST 4-16x scopes I currently have, life's too short to not have good glass

Burris 5-25x50 XTR II 34mm Rifle Scope | SWFA


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