Blonde coyote


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2017
Bradford County, Pennsylvania
Was out doing some yard work and noticed this dog out in the field behind the house. Not long range, 275. I've shot enough chucks out there to know about the range, so I quickly ran in, got into the safe, got back out and dialed. At the shot, this dog went down. The one behind it took off before the first one hit the ground. Wise choice!


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About 25 years ago we shot a blonde coyote here where I live in Wyoming that had blue eyes like an Australian Shepard . She was on the smaller side but being in mid December she was well furred and ended up getting a head mount by the helicopter pilot . They do stand out like the black ones do when with other coyote . Were it's eyes blue like an Australian Shepards and was it a smaller size ?
About 25 years ago we shot a blonde coyote here where I live in Wyoming that had blue eyes like an Australian Shepard . She was on the smaller side but being in mid December she was well furred and ended up getting a head mount by the helicopter pilot . They do stand out like the black ones do when with other coyote . Were it's eyes blue like an Australian Shepards and was it a smaller size ?
Not blue eyes, not real confident on size since I haven't shot many... Guessing 30 lbs give or take? The one with it looked a little bigger to me