Best place for buying raw carbon arrow shafts


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Recently began setting up my own arrows (cutting, attaching vanes, inserts, nocks, etc).

Was curious where everyone goes to buy their basic carbon shafts in the raw? Is there an outlet or do most just google and look around for best price? The whole point of it is to save money doing it myself (even though it may not be much cheaper than having local shop do it.)

Ive been reloading for years and like to tinker so here's where I'm at.

Same boat as you my friend. I stopped buying and started making my own arrows about 7 seasons ago and can not be more happy. I use to buy Cabela's Stalker Extreme bare carbon shafts which are actually Beman carbon hunter classic arrows for under $65 a dozen bare shafts.

Had I known in time cabelas was going to discontinue selling their Stalker Extreme bare shafts i would have bought 5-6 dozen. As it is I'm on my last 18.

Absolutely LOVE Arizona EZ fletch jig. Mines a 3* helical jig. Thig is **** near indestructible and nothing is easier to use or easier to clean dried glue off of.

Since BP bought Cabela's cant get bare Beman carbon shafts anymore.
Best price I've found on Beman's is at Amazon. Never considered any other makes besides Beman. I try my darnedest to buy as much stuff made in the USA.
My cut off saw is a mini saw I bought at harbor freight. Be absolutely sure to use a vacuum to collect the carbon dust as carbon dust is VERY VERY bad for your lungs and anyone else who might breathe it in.

I don't know of anyone besides Amazon or Black Orvious for best deals on carbon arrows.
Same boat as you my friend. I stopped buying and started making my own arrows about 7 seasons ago and can not be more happy. I use to buy Cabela's Stalker Extreme bare carbon shafts which are actually Beman carbon hunter classic arrows for under $65 a dozen bare shafts.

Had I known in time cabelas was going to discontinue selling their Stalker Extreme bare shafts i would have bought 5-6 dozen. As it is I'm on my last 18.

Absolutely LOVE Arizona EZ fletch jig. Mines a 3* helical jig. Thig is *Rule 4 Violation* near indestructible and nothing is easier to use or easier to clean dried glue off of.

Since BP bought Cabela's cant get bare Beman carbon shafts anymore.
Best price I've found on Beman's is at Amazon. Never considered any other makes besides Beman. I try my darnedest to buy as much stuff made in the USA.
My cut off saw is a mini saw I bought at harbor freight. Be absolutely sure to use a vacuum to collect the carbon dust as carbon dust is VERY VERY bad for your lungs and anyone else who might breathe it in.

I don't know of anyone besides Amazon or Black Orvious for best deals on carbon arrows.
I’m a carbon express maxima red guy... shoot great for me but I’ve recently heard of some issues with QC. Only have 5 arrows left and I need to decide on what to go with next. I have my dads bitzenberger jig with straight and helical clamps. However, he originally used it for his old aluminum arrows. Idk If you are familiar with that jig but has the typical “3 position” knob to index the vanes. It’s not working the way it should, with the vanes not being spaced/indexed properly.
Either way... I’m using gorilla glue and looking to by a Weston saw soon from amazon with gift cards. I can’t seem to find an old “Apple” brand saw anywhere. If you all know where I can purchase let me know! I know that the blade needs to be sure of cutting an exact 90 degree cut.
Thanks and good luck this fall.
Instead of an Arrow Saw i went to Harbor Freight and bought their "Mini Chop Saw". It has a 2" cutting wheel and works just like the big ones do. Get yourself a piece of flat aluminum stock about 36" long by 3" wide and make a 90° bend at the length that you want your arrows but on the other end leaving a little extra to bolt/screw to the mini saw. Works just as good as an actual Arrow saw but for 1/2 the price.
Instead of an Arrow Saw i went to Harbor Freight and bought their "Mini Chop Saw". It has a 2" cutting wheel and works just like the big ones do. Get yourself a piece of flat aluminum stock about 36" long by 3" wide and make a 90° bend at the length that you want your arrows but on the other end leaving a little extra to bolt/screw to the mini saw. Works just as good as an actual Arrow saw but for 1/2 the price.
Not a bad idea my friend!
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