Best ballistic software???

I've had Exbal for a looooong time both desktop and in the field. A few months back I purchased LoadBase 2.0 and really liked using it. All the regular stuff plus a lot of bells and whistles.

Yesterday Gus updated all users to LoadBase 3.0 and it's amazing. From now on Exbal will only get used to help somebody, answer questions or for comparisons for somebody.

LoadBase 3.0 is great and their customer service is second to none.:)
I'm currently working on a pet project with another ballistic-nut friend of mine. Don't take this as an ad because it's not -- at the moment I've got nothing to sell. Time for that will come later and I'll make sure it's all discussed with Len beforehand. I'm just informing you guys there's a LRH member working on a very accurate ballistic software that will run on a regular cell phone, instead of iPhone or PDA.

The results match real-world radar data ( for example, seen in QuickTarget Unlimited ) with sub-1/4 MOA accuracy up to 1K++ (*). Key features are typical for most ballistic software, nothing fancy but everything you'd expect from a professional ballistics application:

* Incline shooting
* Changes in temperature/station pressure
* Separate zero conditions, you can zero @ std ICAO and get correct adjustments for 90 *F @ 8000 ft without rezeroing
* Auto-adjusts your "current v0" versus "zero v0", if you know your gunpowder's temperature sensitivity
* Coriolis and spin drift
* Localization sets: Yards,inches,MOA / Yards,inches,mrad / Meters,cm,MOA / Meters,cm,mrad ...
* etc.

We're in the process of trying to wrap it into a commercial product but as we're just two hobbyists, it takes time. We both have dayjobs to attend to...

But we're both serious and passionate about long-range shooting.


(*) For most supersonic projectiles and depending on quality of input data. So far we have aero data optimized to fit real-world trajectories for most Lapua Scenars and some SMKs. Even some rough approximations as to the shape of projectile will give reasonable results -- my first guess for .30cal 180 AB resulted in easy 800 yd hits on a 10" target, shot with a 23" barreled Sako 30-06.
I use Exbal as well. I chose exbal because at the time it was only one of 2 programs that offered the inclusion of the 2 spin drifts in it's data. I chose it over FFS (Field firing Solutions) due to the large following it has on this site. I knew if I had ?s, I could get answers here. The documentation that comes with it is not the type that will allow you to open up a manual and walk you through setting it up, or trouble shoot any situation. Other than that I like it, and once you get your feet wet it seems easy. I had a good spell of "feet wetting" though.

If I were starting over I would seriously consider LoadBase 3.0 for the facts it has competent users on this site, has good documentation (so I've read), and future updates are free.
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