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  • I am sorry that they pulled your post down. I'm guessing that Vortex is a paying Advertiser The Forum website. I have bought some of their cheaper 4 to 12 for spare guns things like that. But front or two hundred bucks there a good scope. I have Zeiss on my four guns I hunt with but I know what I'm getting what I pay for
    Check out Salvo and Shepherd scopes for your next one. They probably made the glass for vortex anyway. Oh, and they are better and cheaper.
    I removed all vortex scopes from my hunting rifles, if you tried to shoot into the rising sun or setting sun the scope would cloud over and you couldn’t see the crosshairs or what you were trying to shoot. Really missed out a huge mule deer. Vortex told me to not shoot at those times of day.
    Wow, post is gone. I've sent 2 vtex scopes back and they've fixed them both for tracking. BUT I have found scopes 1/3 the price with better glass and lifetime warranty just as good if not better.
    Sorry your post got removed, would have loved too see the discussion.
    There is a reason I won’t ever own another Vortex product. Why outfitters I know won’t use them and don’t recommend them to their clients.
    But if people aren’t allowed to speak about these issues on forums. Yet allows the supporter hype it never forces them to get the quality control issues in check.
    I'd also like to hear what issues you had. Couldn't run fast enough to give me a vortex after the issues I've had with their rifle scopes
    Noticed your post on Vortex scopes being junk was not available on the site....guessing it was pulled? Kinda ticks me off, as these forums are just supporter forums...what ever happened to freedom of speech? Personally, I like to hear some negative stuff about any item, I feel like I'm smart enough to sort through the info. Any way,I'd like to hear what you had to say.rsbhunter
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