It all depends on what your groove measurement of the bore is. If you can get some .315 diameter muzzle loader lead balls or use an egg shape fishing sinker around that diameter and from the chamber end with the bolt removed using a SOLID metal cleaning rod to start the slug down the bore and then using wooden dowel rod pieces to drive the slug through the bore and out the muzzle. Then measure the diameter of the slug between the high spots that are left by the grooves in the bore. If the measurement is .3105 of slightly tighter then use .311 bullets if it is .311 to .312 diameter use .312 bullets. These old rifles have diverse bore sizes and so does the Russian 7.62X54R rifles. The 303 usually shoots best with heaver longer bullets like the 174/180 gr. Sierra .311 diameter 174 Match king for target and 180 gr SP for hunting. If you need .312 diameter the Hornady 174 gr RNSP is very accurate and a great hunting bullet but that round nose makes it drop like a rock for long range work. IMR 4064 is a pretty good powder for the 303 Brit. You will need to fire form your cases to your chamber. Then only neck size your cases. I use a full length sizing die set up to only part size the case. Just the sizing the neck and only slightly bumping the shoulder. These rifles have HUGE chambers to allow them to work in the mud, blood and crap of the battle field. If you full length size your cases you will not achieve the best accuracy and your cases will separate at the web of the case in just 2 or 3 loadings usually. Good luck.