There is no best in my mind. I have used many of the top ones. I and BnG recently did a test of Applied Ballistics , Cold Bore 1.0 and a few others. We tested with rock solid input data and compared firing solutions out to just past 1 mile. The results from firing the solutions using a cold bore and one follow up were all hits inside .5 moa of point of aim for elevation and moat every shot fired was in the kill zone of an elk or deer. The thing we were most amazed by was that all apps were very close or matched on the solution they provided. We compared very closely Applied Ballistics and Cold Bore 1.0. The results were that they were in complete agreement out to 1 mile. They were .3 moa apart at 2000 yards and .9 moa apart at 2500 yards. Past 1 mile we could not get repeated hits due to changing field conditions. So we ended the test at 1773 yards where we had solid and repeated shot data.
In conclusion this test proves we have many good apps out there to choose from. Some like CB-1.0 offer a good variety of things to share with a desk top home computer and transfer of data. If you are a guy that spends lots of time looking at things on a laptop or desktop and comparing drop charts look at CB-1.0
If you are like me and do your majority of use of the app in the field in practice and hunting field conditions look hard at Applied Ballistics and Shooter.
We did this test to see what we might be missing out on after some things we read online about CB-1.0 In the end I will continue to use Applied Ballistics as it has been very good to me and proves to give spot on dial ups with ease at a mile plus.
I plan to do further testing at 2500 to 3000 yards. But this will take time to get repeated results at these distances and be able to say one is more correct than the other. Right now at 3000 yards CB and AB are 2.7 moa apart. A slight undetected wind of only a couple mph would make this difference at these distances so I do not see how anyone could say one is better than the other.
Bottom line is we have some very good apps to choose from. Define what you want from the app for options, input good data and you will be fine.