Back home from Wyoming

Varmint Hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001
Long Island, New York
Just typed a long story to go with the image and lost it some how. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

In summary: Just got back from Casper Wyoming where I took my first antelope. The stalk took about 2 hours before the shot could be taken.

I shot from the top of a high rock formation while the buck attended two does @ 465yds. The buck took a 162gr A-Max from my 7STW and piled up within a few yards. Terminal damage was significant.

I also took this coyote @ 225yds. The rancher wanted them all DEAD! I was happy to oblige. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Digital reproduction of my photo stinks but its the best I could do. And no, I'm not missing any teeth. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Hope you had a great time and please come back again. Did you happen to notice how the prairie dog population is doing? Several ranchers in the Casper area went on a poisoning spree this summer.

I live in Shoshoni, West of Casper. I'll be going goat hunting Sunday. Forecast is for 70 degree high temp, not a cloud in the sky, and calm to 5 mph wind. Couldn't ask for more.

Shoshoni.. hell we're almost neighbors.. welcome to the LRH forums...

That monster buck wasn't taken to far from you last year... right?

Several of us from the board are headed past you on the way to Medicine Bow for some Goats and Mulies on the 4th of Oct...
Nice goat and yote
Just got back from a job interview in Mills(Casper).Saw a lot of nice antilope going north to I90.The jackrabbits was so thick you can walk down the road on dead carcases in places.Drove past a few dog towns but they lookt a little deserted,didnt have a gun with me anyway(no time for fun these days,plenty of time for that later)
I hunted near Powder River. (Population 50) Definately more speed goats than people. We hunted P-dogs north of Casper and just outside of town. Plenty of shooting on several small P-dog towns.

Wind was blowing at about 30mph and was blowing the tiny 40gr bullets from my .221 all over the place. 1 to 2 foot of windage was the norm. Lots of shots with the longrange connections being particularely exciting. We had a blast and will be planning a return trip soon.

I just found this forum doing a search for some info. Looks like a nice place. There was a huge Mule Deer taken near here last year if that's the animal you are talking about.

I lived in Medicine Bow for 3 years and grew up in Laramie. If you can dope wind around Medicine Bow you can shoot anywhere. Good luck to you.

Varmint Hunter:

Oh man, there is a huge p-dog town North and West of Powder River headed back towards Arminto. Unfortunately, that's one of the places that got poisoned. Amazes me how folks will complain about a few dawgs turning to red mist from a little old bullet, but don't give a thought to poisoning the critters by the thousands.
yeah Iam talking about the one the lady shot.. 42" spread!!... the one shee missed one day and found it again another... lucky....but a dandy...

hey could you e-mail me .. I have a question for ya about some areas down in the Medicine Bow / Centennial area..
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