Sorry for the delay people just a bit going on down under
Yes recovered the pill
Now second apology I thought I had all the pics especially the pics of where the pill passed by the spine & roughly 2 inches off the spine
This shot was not a cns & is a extremely effective placed shot as per video but it's also flaunt with danger of not securing the critter & I've witnessed a few drop to this placed shot & regain their feet & usually it's a pill that has gone above the spine clipping it on its way through
This particular shot was roughly 2 in off the spine not all petals were recovered but those petals on this pill type roughly travel 1/2 to 2/3 Rds of the shanks penertration length which gives it som pretty good killing efficiency
This pic is how I measure distance from cns
Not scientific just a reference I use
So sorry once again I've not got the actual pics but will check with my mate if he has them & hopefully I can show what this bubble we talk about is capable of when you get the shape charge to go where we want it & more importantly need it to get consistent results across so many real life angles resistances well that's the way I roll
Yep it's not just poking holes in things imo