Anyone with an Adcor Defense?


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2009
Anyone around here run one of these? I've got a chance on one and a great deal to boot.

The short stroke piston operation and forward operating handle looks pretty decent. They say it's the only free floating AR on the market. Sounds to good to be true.

Just curious if anyone has one, likes it, hates it etc.

Right, but I'm looking for some info from someone that ran one of them in comparison to a standard ar.
As for piston ARs I don't think they compete with the gas guns in High Power Competition. Not up to snuff with accuracy from what I have read.

Even with the adcor being free floated... I have a hard time believing that. GI systems are not free floating.

No direct experience with Adcor. Saw this in American Rifleman:

The Adcor B.E.A.R. - American Rifleman.

Basically favorable, and American Rifleman has seldom given me reason to call BS on their reviews.

As to free floating, I have a Colt LE 6940 direct gas that has a fully free floating bbl.

I recently scoped it, but have yet to take it outdoors with the scope (we have a 100 yd indoor range 20 mins from my house). We'll see if the free floating does anything for its accuracy. In theory it should.

I considered a piston gun, mostly the Sig 516, before getting the Colt. Having put roughly 750 rounds through mine without cracking it open for a thorough cleaning, I'd say the current generation quality gas impingement guns are pretty reliable. I do run a boresnake through it, some patches and drip some break free on the bolt between trips.
Anyone around here run one of these? I've got a chance on one and a great deal to boot.

The short stroke piston operation and forward operating handle looks pretty decent. They say it's the only free floating AR on the market. Sounds to good to be true.

Just curious if anyone has one, likes it, hates it etc.


Unsure how a 2 piece quad rail can be a "True" free-Float...But I have 2 piston guns that are great and easy to clean. But fall short on accuracy to my DGI guns. Plus I like cleaning guns. Blame Uncle Sam for that one.
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