Allen Magnums?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
South of Canada and North of Wyoming
Kirby, I've read some good things about your magnum rifles and am toying with the idea of having one built in a year or two. I would like to get a carryable hunting rig.

The 7mm looks real interesting and I'm guessing you have a .300 mag?

What barrels do you like, I was thinking along the lines of a 27" Lilja fluted #5?

What reciever/actions do you like?

What would be the most efficient bullet and size and what velocities could I expect out of a 27" barrel?

Anyone else with an Allen Mag, your two cents is also appreciated.


About all my say so is worth is $.02 so here goes.;)

I've got a 7mm AM and my buddy has a 270 AM. Both are fantastic long range hammers. Both kill like you wouldn't believe and they make the long range stuff a lot easier.

Weight is a personal thing but remember that weight translates into ridgidity/stability and easier long range shooting. Kinda depends on the range you plan on hunting/shooting.

Kirby will see this and provide you with all the info you could possibly need/want. You'll be in good hands.

You'll not find anyone with anything bad to say about the AMs or Kirby and his work. The whole experience from planning to the first round downrange will be top notch. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
32" Rock w/APS PK brake, Nesika M w/HS bottom metal and DBM, NF 5.5-22x56 NXS, McMillan A5 plus all the other necessary little "goodies".

Shoots Wildcat 200 gr. ULD RBBTs at 3150-3400 fps. One elk and several deer have all been bang flops out to just under 900 yards. Nothing long range so far.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
32" Rock w/APS PK brake, Nesika M w/HS bottom metal and DBM, NF 5.5-22x56 NXS, McMillan A5 plus all the other necessary little "goodies".

Shoots Wildcat 200 gr. ULD RBBTs at 3150-3400 fps. One elk and several deer have all been bang flops out to just under 900 yards. Nothing long range so far.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Thats LONG range;)
O.K., if you say so, but compared to what Kirby and a lot of others here have done on critters it's just getting past where you start having to dial for the shot.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
If you want it in a year, you better start now because if it's total custom, it could take a year or more.
I have a 270 AM (carry) and a 338 AM (loooooong range)and they both took a year+ after I changed my mind a couple times.
Good luck, it's fun chosing parts, tell Kirby what you want and he'll build it.
Just curious what your 270AM carry rifle weighs with the scope on it?

I had Kirby build me a 270 AM on a 30"+brake, #7 fluted Lilja barrel, A-5 Mcmillan stock. If I had it to do over I would have him build it in one of his light sporter styles. Don't get me wrong it is a great gun and a shooting machine, but it weighs 13+ pounds and I am not likely to carry it to some places. No problem, he is builing me a 26" #4 fluted 7MM Dakota that should fill the carrying rifle niche just fine.

Depending on what stock and action you choose you can get it in under a year according to what he told me on my Dakota and I just sent him the money to get started week before last.

You might PM Lerch on here or look at some old posts, I believe he may have just the rifle you are looking at. His has a 27" barrel and is a nice looking rig.

Kirby also hunts with a light weight 7 AM that might be close to what you are talking about. Great smith, great calibers and most of all a great guy. Good Luck.
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