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Advice on ammo


Sep 14, 2009
Biloxi, MS
I know 7mm is enough for bears, but I am curious as to what grain or brand to use. I have never shot anything larger than mule deer and would like to know what to practice with and prepare for. Any advice?
within 200-400 yrds about any bullet out of a 7mm will kill black bears.i got my first bear with a .243 , i also got my first elk with that same rifle. my family wasnt rich and we used what we had. Black bears have REAL thin hides. through the shoulders or low behind the shoulder with a 7 mag = dead bear.Just dont shoot em too far back. Bears with 2 lungs a heart and 4 legs can go a long ways where you cant go at all.:)
I know 7mm is enough for bears, but I am curious as to what grain or brand to use. I have never shot anything larger than mule deer and would like to know what to practice with and prepare for. Any advice?

This is a case where a heavy,expanding bullet works the best.

As BCID said any 7mm bullet will work but the heaver bullets will assure a clean ,quick
kill and that's important with any bear.

I would recomend the 160 Accubond or even a 175gr round nose.

These bullets will expand and deliver maximum energy and in the event that you hit a bone
(Shoulder) they will still perform.

The great Winchester 160gr Fail Safe worked great

any controlled expansion bullet in 160gr area will work in the 7mm

160gr TSX Barnes
160 XP3 Winchester
160 Nosler Part and Accubond
160 swift A Frame
160 gr Fail Safe

same for Elk hunting
My dad and Grandfather has used 140 grain bullets out of their 7RMs for years and they have dropped many a deer and bear with them. Higher explosive performance at a higher velocity wreaks havoc on them! they never go anywhere.
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