a question to 6,5-284 users


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2004
Has anyone tried bullets heavier than 140 or 142 on these cartridge??? I´m looking for a hunting bullet with high bc, at least sinmilar to the bc offered by the lapua scenar.
Answer is pretty straight forward. No one makes a higher BC bullet then those in the 139to 142gr class. heavier bullest have much lower BC.

The best hunting bullet I have tried is the 140gr SST. Can shoot in the 2's at 200yds, if the barrel likes them. Although I have never tested over a chrony, seat of the pants BC calc puts it in the 6's.

On game performance would be excellent as is typical with hornady interlock bullets. Just keep impact velocity under 3000fps and above 1500fps for best performance.

Thanks Jerry.

maybe I should´ve been more speficic. My question is more directed to knowing what vel. to expect for a 150 or heavier bullet in a 26 " barrel out of a 6,5-284 , based on the idea of getting some wildcat bullets if R. Graves can make the ULDRBBT design on a bonded bullet or at least a heavy jacket. My intention is to compare the ballistics of a factory 140 g. high BC class bullet with a 150 or 155 g. whose BC I hope can be over .6, to see if its worth going that way or not.

As you say, currently available 6,5 cal. bullets heavier than 140-142 will have a lower BC, I guess you are thinking the 160 grainers usually made with a round nose. So I agree with you.

I´ve used the 154 SST on my 7 rm with good results as long as external ballitics go, but I´m not too impressed with their terminal ballistics. I am looking for a more reliable bullet in the accubond/interbond class, i.e. will not explode and not penetrate in a close shot or when hitting bone.

Swift is now making a 130 scirocco with a bc around .5; i was hoping nosler would come up with a 140 acubond. And why does hornady not make a 140interbond???

I also like the 139 scenars but would not rely on them for game hunting.The 140 amax should work fine in small game.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
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