A Desert Tech SRS-A1 338LM Gets Brutalized by Primal Rights


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
A Desert Tech SRS-A1 338LM Gets Brutalized by Primal Rights

Oh dang! That's about the equivalent of jumping in a new corvette and saying "Let's see how fast we can't take this corner!".:D

Is it me or did that Lapua brass handle that like a champ as well?
Maybe someone with Quickloads can give us a pressure estimate. I bet those numbers are insane!
Maybe someone with Quickloads can give us a pressure estimate. I bet those numbers are insane!


That's just a quick and dirty. With the bullet jammed, I should have tacked on a lot more start pressure. So it's most likely considerably worse in actuality than the numbers here show. 120,000+ PSI... and the extractor and the lug holding it gave out. Nothing else.
I'm right here fella. No need to talk about me in the third person.

I was thinking that rather than tell my customers how strong these rifles are, I would prove it.

You just got put in my "ignore everything he says in the future" list.
I would like to see that done with a Savage or a Remington.
That test, will more than likely, require a blast bunker or a stout tree to escape expected rapid disassemply.
I am more than impressed with DT's strength after watching this video.
I'm right here fella. No need to talk about me in the third person.

I was thinking that rather than tell my customers how strong these rifles are, I would prove it.

You just got put in my "ignore everything he says in the future" list.
If the OP as well as your first reply were done in the first person I would have replied as such.

It's a message board and you identified yourself only as "Orkan" so how are we supposed to know you are the person doing the video?

If you are trying to prove they are the toughest made so you can have faith in selling them with that claim more power to you but you didn't tell us that did you?
Yes, I did... in the video you claimed to have watched.

It's quite alright... at least now I know about you. The "person in the video" also explained why they(I) were doing the testing as well... yet you call it stupidity.

Always someone trash talking online. Always. If there's any stupidity going on here, it's someone that thinks testing like this has no value to owners or potential owners of that rifle system.
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Yes, I did... in the video you claimed to have watched.

It's quite alright... at least now I know about you. The "person in the video" also explained why they(I) were doing the testing as well... yet you call it stupidity.

Always someone trash talking online. Always. If there's any stupidity going on here, it's someone that thinks testing like this has no value to owners or potential owners of that rifle system.
I didn't say I'd watched the entire video.

I stopped watching when I got sick of the childish glee being expressed as you admitted tried to blow up the rifle.

Had I been able to stomach it to the 8:00 point where you finally tell us what it is you're up to I might have come away with a somewhat different opinion.

It doesn't matter what you do at the 8:00 point of a video if you've lost your target audience by the 3:00 mark so the problem here is with your deliver and your attitude.

Until you explained it, I had no way to even know that you were the guy in the video since you don't state it as such in your OP or even your first reply.

There's most certainly a benefit in torture testing new technology, especially when it comes to firearms in order to prove they are designed not to fail even under the most extreme circumstances but if you're going to do that, it would be a great idea to say so at the start rather than the end.

I'll say this, I have a natural fear of any bull pup design for the reason your face is right over the part that's going to blow if anything does blow due to the shortened design.

This video however tells me that if I were inclined to buy this model rifle that would be of little concern.

I would however at least at this point make sure I ordered one from another vendor.
Yeah, with Remington brass.
I've generally had pretty good luck with Rem Brass but I don't believe I'd put my faith in anything other than Lapua to attempt this kind of far over pressue testing.

I've seen the results of brass splitting down below the neck and shoulder and around the base even with normal "max" or "close to max" loads with that gas escaping everywhere it can in front of the shooter's face with a couple requiring a trip to the hospital for powder burnt eyes.

I've also seen some blown barrels with people evaced out for much more serious problems.

We once had an armorer nearly bleed to death when an out of head space M2 Blew up firing mounted in a trip pod. His legs were stretched out underneath it and large fragments of the exploded case just turned his inner thighs into hamburger and that was the stoutest brass made at the time. Had we not had a medivac chopper handy he'd have had a really bad day.
Wildrose, I agree about the Lapua brass quality. That was the point I was making (in my own facetious way) when saying I'd like to see that done with a Remington or Savage action with Remington brand brass. A Weatherby mkV I have heard can take a lot more pressure, however I don't want to find out.

I too have seen the results of excessive headspace on a .50, and yes that brass is stout! There are few times when a guy can say "I'm glad they make us wear groin protectors on our body armor!".

Fun fact:)rolleyes:): most folks don't know that the .50 BMG brass is so thick in the web area because the M2 HBMG fires slightly "out of battery" in full auto mode.
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