95 gr Bergers for 243

yote doctor

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2010
Big Sky Country
I have a new Savage rifle with a 9.25 twist. I really like the bergers in other calibers of mine and just wondering who has experience with these hunting bullets. I know they call for 1:9 twist but has anyone had problems stabalizing these bullets?

Results on coyotes, antelope, and deer?

Thanks in advance cuz I know the info is coming!:D
Either they will stabilize or they won't. If they have to jump very far then they are less likely to stabilize because they have an extremely short bearing surface. Obviously, sectional density is low and the jacket is thin. The only shot I can remember that anybody made with one is on an antelope at about 500 yards or so. Antelope are not hard to kill.
I have a rem 700 ss factory 24" wanted to use for varm. and punch some paper. Thought i would try 95 Berger vld, for about a month it about drove me crazy. I have shot 4350 H and Imr, h 414, varget, groups was 1" to 1 1/2 and very few 3/4" vel. any where from 2800 to 2950 very ****ed. Sat. morning just looking at my powders i thought what the heck and loaded some with H-4831 Sc. Strings from 45 g, 46, and 47. 46 grain 3 shot .322 vel. 2825, 47 grains had a bad condition and blew group. 47 grains group .447 vel. unknown due to battery in chronograph. I think i found the powder and will be re testing, never had a anything that consistant. I have the bullet just off the lands. Finally after a compete box of bullets i found a powder that would work but i would of never thought of h-4831sc.
I have a Savage Model 12BVSS 243 that I shoot the 95gr Berger's in. They stablize fine for me and group well at 200 yards with 3/4 inch about the norm for my rifle. Speed wise I'm getting 3075 fps that's with Lapua brass, winchester large rifle primers and 42 gr's of H4350.

They do a very good job on Antelope-which aren't hard to kill, Have shot several with my 243 from 425 yards to 620.

With the twist rate being so close the determining factor will be the elevation you are shooting at. Anything above 3000 foot elevation and I would think you would be fine. GREAT BULLET/cartridge combo!!
I shot my savage 243 barrel out using 95gr bergers. Killed many deer and coyotes. They perform great. I used H4831sc powder and had velocities right around 3100fps.
I shot my savage 243 barrel out using 95gr bergers. Killed many deer and coyotes. They perform great. I used H4831sc powder and had velocities right around 3100fps.
I just got back from range shooting 4831sc with 95 berger and very impressed. My gun is a regular factory 700 sporter spent countless hours and $ trying to get it to shoot the 95 berger. I tried Imr and H -4350, varget, H-414 , Reloader 19 and nothing would shoot. I was ready to give up and thought what the heck im going to go the oppisite way and try H-4831 sc i had setting on shelf.
H-4831sc 45 grains Vel 2858 Es 45.0 Group .477
46 gr. Vel. 2942 Es. .172 Group .172
47 gr. Vel. 3005 ES. 15.0 Group .217
All 3 shot group at 100 yards.
How do they perform on deer and what yardage would you say is maxium.
cant help for a normal 243 but my 243 Super Rockchucker shoots the 95's at just over 3500fps. Shot one deer with them at 300 yards and she did not take a step. Bang, Flop. Just the way i like it.
cant help for a normal 243 but my 243 Super Rockchucker shoots the 95's at just over 3500fps. Shot one deer with them at 300 yards and she did not take a step. Bang, Flop. Just the way i like it.
What is a 243 Rockchucker: case , capacity, twist, bullet, velocity?
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