7mm RM/140 AB with H4350/H4831SC/H1000/Retumbo?


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2007
Humble, Texas
Which powder should be the best to start with in 26" barrel 7mm Rem Mag with 140 gr. Nosler Accubonds out of these that I have on hand- H4350, H4831SC, H1000, Retumbo. Primarily for whitetail hunting out to 500-600 yards. By best I mean tightest and most consistent groups with top velocity. I also have some Fed215 and WLRM primers to use.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
I would lean towards the h4831sc with the 140grs. I have had best results with H1000 and 160-168gr. bullets. Don't you allready shoot the 168 Bergers with H1000? I think 4350 is a bit fast for 7mag.
I had been shooting the 168 VLD's in this gun, but am now going to shoot those in my 7 WSM for longer range, and the 140's for whitetail, hogs, coyotes, etc. at shorter ranges in the 7RM.
i have used h-4831( long cut) with good results. the wlrm shot a better group than the 215. what about going to a 140vld??
you need to go to Hogdon website and study the loads for your caliber
and bullet weight instead of asking for recomendations.
Get a chart of burn rates for different mfg powders and then
you will know what powders to use for your bullet weight.
I prefer the Alliant RL powders and Accurate powders for
my 7mm Rem Mag but I only shoot real light bullets now
that I have seen the light. Pro hunter 120 gr and Barnes
110 gr in 7mm Rem Mag for big deer and big hogs.
Thanks roninflag, I may try the Bergers, I think they are even a little less in price than the accubonds, but they both have almost identical BC, one is .485 and one is .486.
And for preventec47, I did take a look at the Hodgdon site, I am just looking for others knowledge and experiences with these bullets & powders. Besides, it's more fun to talk about it anyway.
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My 7mm Rem mag shoots 140 grain Nosler bullet into .5 inch groups using H4350 powder. However, this powder is a little too fast to get the best velocity, so for more velocity and good accuracy I use H1000 or RL-22. I agree that H1000 works great with 160 grain bullets but my gun will also shoot 140 grain bullets using H1000. I have used both 215 and WLRM primers and could tell little difference.
you need to go to Hogdon website and study the loads for your caliber
and bullet weight instead of asking for recomendations.
Get a chart of burn rates for different mfg powders and then
you will know what powders to use for your bullet weight.
I prefer the Alliant RL powders and Accurate powders for
my 7mm Rem Mag but I only shoot real light bullets now
that I have seen the light. Pro hunter 120 gr and Barnes
110 gr in 7mm Rem Mag for big deer and big hogs.

+1 on visiting Hodgdon.com.
If I had done that before, instead of just reading the Barnes Reloading Manual (and getting input from the Sierra manual) I would have chosen a different powder.

I am shooting 150 gr TTSX bullets, and chose Retumbo.
GREAT accuracy (0.35" groups), and really good velocity (2964 fps) . . . but evidently not enough pressure to seal the case well enough -- I'm getting burnt powder residue on the outside of my case shoulders.
(maybe an issue with cold-worked brass, but this is only the 3rd reloading?)

H1000 would probably have been a better choice.
A little higher pressure for the starting loads, and no compressed loads at max charge.
I guess having compressed loads is not really a big issue, but I'd rather have a load density in the mid 90's, all else being equal.
(BTW, thank you, Hodgdon website for listing pressures, though . . .couldn't you have done them all in the same units? CUP? Really?
So now I have to hunt around for how to convert . . . and, yes, it can be done.)

The IMR 4831 also works very well in my gun (and might be a better choice if I were shooting lighter bullets), but the pressure is nearer the max, and the velocities have not been as consistent for me . . . though accuracy is good. (1/2" groups)

So . . . Preventec . . . enLIGHTen us; why are lighter bullets better?
Do you just like the flatter trajectory?
I'm going Elk and Mule Deer hunting with my 7mm Rem Mag, and a 150 gr TTSX seemed like a good choice.

If I were shooting 110 gr bullets, I might grab my Dad's 270 WSM instead . . .
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