6.5x280 ack imp

old fart

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
Aurora , Colorado
was just with Pac - nor , talking to Chris about a rebarrel job and this cartridge but wasn't able to give me actual experience - sooo - here I am - any body shooting this , could use some help thanks
I don't think that you'll gain much over the 6.5-06 or its Ackley version due to it already being overbore capacity. Unless your going with a 28" or longer barrel I think that the standard 6.5-06 would be a great choice.
Just neck some good 30-06 brass down and go its a one step deal and Lapua makes 30-06 brass.

What you gonna use it for ??
JD - long range (500 plus ) varmint , pronghorn and deer.been looking at all the 06 based cartridges - Gibbs, Ackley , Hawk etc.I have a long 700 action - 28" #6 and vias break. I figured the longer stronger case would help performance.problem is I have a 6.5x284 being built as we speak - same set up .thanks
Old Fart, building a 6.5-06 right now. Decided to go this route because the AI and GIBBS don't feed well from some actions. Depending on the barrel, you can get more vel from the improved cases but accuracy may not be there.

My goal is to get 2900 to 3000fps from the 140gr SST out of a 24" barrel. Should be possible and that would be enough to hunt to 650yds or so or plink as far as my scope will allow.

I have played with a 30Gibbs and really liked the performance. If you are willing to put up with the extra case forming and possible stiff feeding, they are a bunch of fun and can give you another 100 to 150fps.

Jerry - nice to hear from you - I'm still throwing this around , I have a 6.5x284 being built as we speek , but just can't get this 06 thing out of my mind , but like you , I'd rather shoot than make cases sooooo. I 'm going to sit on this for awhile and get things ready for the things I've got working right now - a 6.5x284 and my 338 win thats being rebarreled- see ya
6.5/06 is far enought over this water capacity ( 70 grains ) you need very long barrel to burn all the powder

best design in 06 IMP is Williams or Masburn both are mild imp with sharper shoulder , sharper shoulder allow less case lenghtening and less trimming

I own two 6.5/06 and I am very happy with

good shooting

IMHO, I'd stick with the 6.5-284 for a while. It should give 2,950 - 3,000 without a thought...+ you have an excellent database of loads & info. Add to that better, commercial, READY-TO-GO cases and you get a combo that's tough to beat inside 1K.
Old Fart, got my 6.5-06 back and have been running a few bullets down the tube. Very nice. Should be able to get the vel I want which is 140gr SST over 2900fps. Accuracy has been very good but the chamber was cut poorly so will have to be redone - oh well.

Feeds just fine. This wildcat is simply a "European 270". For hunting, the way to go since feeding will never be a problem in any action. For match shooting and single feeding, hey why not build another short fat magnum. They look very accurate.

Either way, it is a very mild recoiling rifle with high BC bullets that will work great as a moderate range hunting rig. Once I get the chamber issue dealt with, it will go into a Boyds Thumbhole varminter stock. That should take care of my cut block hunting needs for a bit.

Jerry - Glad to hear you got the 6.5 back - who did the work on it and how was the chamber messed up ? and most important , is it somebody you would go back to and do another one? So you had them cut a 6.5 on a 270 case , are loadindg dies going to be a problem? $$$$ with the 270 having a longer case that should help , did you change the shoulder at all? I still have that long action 700 BDL sitting here?
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