.375 Ruger... What if???

Hey Tank, I found an old thread from 2008. 338/375 Ruger. Wouldn't this be the same as a 338 Campfire Improved? Poster is advised to do a Google search.

There is a slight difference in the diameter of the base in those two cartridges.

But the base diameters are the same with the 375 Ruger and the 7mm Mag so I can at least see some indication as to why in your example but am stumped on the example I posted.

Aldon, Are you sure they didn't say or mean re-chamber vs re-barrel? I'm not an expert either, but I dont see any reason in the world why you couldn't rebarrel a 7mm RM to a 375 Ruger. In fact I was even considering doing that very thing... rebarreling a burnt out Ruger M77 7RM to 7mm-375 Ruger. It would have very similar ballistics to the 7 Dakota.
I was actually concerned that I had tried it as a rechamber and did it a couple of times to be sure I was trying the applet as a rebarrel.

Here is what I get:

Sorry, but based on your settings, you cannot ReBarrel your 7mm Remington Magnum firearm to .375 Ruger because the .375 Ruger employs a different case/rim construction than the 7mm Remington Magnum. NOTE: A qualified gunsmith can sometimes work around reported problems with special-case techniques not considered here, such as 'barrel setback'. Always consult with a qualified professional.

7mm Remington Magnum
(Shoulder angle is estimated)

.375 Ruger

I tend to agree with you. I am hoping one of the Gsmiths on this forum will pony up their opinion.

I am not necessarily in a hurry but I like the ideas expressed here and it is not too difficult to pick up a 7mm for a donor.

I have a list I have to get through before an all new build.

1) verify the Sendero 25-06 does not need a rebarrel or rechambering.....My guess is that the Moly build up was the root cause in which case I will move on to...

2) Have an older 700 LA rebarreled with the 22-250 take off barrel that I bought from Cowboy. Nice looking bull barrel. Find a nice stock, bed it and see if lightening strikes:)

3) Scope out a new/ but used 6mmX284 I picked up in December with trued action, Sako Extractor and Match Hart barrel. I picked it up from a competition shooter here in UT. Then take it to the range for a work out. I am hoping that it is as accurate as I think it is and that I like shooting it. If not, decide what to rebarrel and sell the tube. It is on a 700 LA.

4) I think I am going to buy the Zeiss 3-9X40 for sale at Cabelas and put in on my Marlin MR-7 30-06. Nicest shooter I own and great whitetail rifle. Tweaking in the 210 berger. Sweet set up.

5) And this is where I am looking to pick up an action and or set up with a little thunder. This 375 necked down may be just the ticket. I just missed getting a 300 RUM Savage SS that a fellow had special ordered from Savage yesterday evening. The fellow sold it for less than 500.00.....sigh opportunities lostt:) I would have rebarreled it to 338 Edge most likely.

So I can wait a bit for an answer.

If no one comes forth, I will ask the smith when I rebarrel the 22-250.
Just looked at the diagrams that MR has given us. The 7mmRM should bore out to the 375 Ruger. I would definitely ask the gunsmith. Sounds like a really good cartridge.

Guys, the 375 ruger case, necked to 7 or 338 or whatever would work in any action that is set up for the standard magnum chamberings. A 7mm rem mag, 300 win mag ect share the same bolt face dia. with the 375 ruger case .532"

What may need to change is the Magazine box and follower. Typically the wsm and ultras as well as the 375 case would need a window style mag box in bdl configuration. Most times the action is fitted for a wyatts ex. window box.

I've built plenty of ultra mags on old rem 700s that were 7mm rem mags in factory format, they work fine, ocasionally a feed rail may need work but not always.
Guys, the 375 ruger case, necked to 7 or 338 or whatever would work in any action that is set up for the standard magnum chamberings. A 7mm rem mag, 300 win mag ect share the same bolt face dia. with the 375 ruger case .532"

What may need to change is the Magazine box and follower. Typically the wsm and ultras as well as the 375 case would need a window style mag box in bdl configuration. Most times the action is fitted for a wyatts ex. window box.

I've built plenty of ultra mags on old rem 700s that were 7mm rem mags in factory format, they work fine, ocasionally a feed rail may need work but not always.

So look at the diagram of the cartridge, the base is a .532 and tapers to the belt width of .515 at the shoulder. This tells me there would be plenty of volume to stuff some powder in it and let her rip. From your experience, what kind of velocities do you surmise this kind of combination would develop? I think it would be another big 338, I just don't know how big!

So look at the diagram of the cartridge, the base is a .532 and tapers to the belt width of .515 at the shoulder. This tells me there would be plenty of volume to stuff some powder in it and let her rip. From your experience, what kind of velocities do you surmise this kind of combination would develop? I think it would be another big 338, I just don't know how big!


Tank, the case capicity of the 375 Ruger is not as large as the RUM or Lapua Cases. It will fall about halfway between a 338WM and a RUM. The RUM has a slightly larger diameter and is about .3" longer at the shoulder. My guess would be that the 338-375 Ruger would be about 100 fps slower than the EDGE shooting the 300 SMK. Just a guess. Still not a bad cartridge. I really like it's potential for 30 cal and 7mm bullets. I think using RL17 with those cartridges would bring them very close to RUM performance using a good bit less powder and a shorter COAL.
Tank, the case capicity of the 375 Ruger is not as large as the RUM or Lapua Cases. It will fall about halfway between a 338WM and a RUM. The RUM has a slightly larger diameter and is about .3" longer at the shoulder. My guess would be that the 338-375 Ruger would be about 100 fps slower than the EDGE shooting the 300 SMK. Just a guess. Still not a bad cartridge. I really like it's potential for 30 cal and 7mm bullets. I think using RL17 with those cartridges would bring them very close to RUM performance using a good bit less powder and a shorter COAL.

HMMMMMM!! Fingers tapping the desk!:rolleyes:

My guess would be that the 338-375 Ruger would be about 100 fps slower than the EDGE shooting the 300 SMK. Just a guess.
I'm gonna back opff this estimate a little. I'll say a 100 fps slower than the 338 RUM with the 300 SMK

338-375 Ruger, 2650
338 RUM, 2750
Edge, 2850

I still think it will come real close to the RUMs in the 7mm and 300 using RL17 and and the larger medium weight bullets like the 160's and 180's. Well within 100 fps with maybe 80 gr of powder.
With that it brings me back to the 338 Norma. That would be a fun one to neck down for a 7mm also. The only draw back is having to turn your bolt face to a .588" That is where the Ruger might be a viable option.

With that it brings me back to the 338 Norma. That would be a fun one to neck down for a 7mm also. The only draw back is having to turn your bolt face to a .588" That is where the Ruger might be a viable option.


If the 338 Norma is the same as the 308 Norma, the 375 Ruger is better IMO. The Norma case has more rim than it needs, is belted, and the Ruger case is bigger. I think you would loose another 100 fps with the Norma vs the Ruger or about the same as you would loose with the Ruger vs the RUM. I'm just totally guessing these velocites. But the RUM/Lapua is bigger than the Ruger and the Ruger is bigger than the Norma (308 Norma)
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