260 and 130 vld?

What kind of accuracy are you getting out of your new rig? I have had several .260's and down to one right now, with a Cooper on order. The Savage I wrote about here last month shot well but really liked 140's. The load was not maximum and the the group grew when I went faster. The 140's were at close to maximum length for the magazine. High pressure signs usually start showing on your primer. Flat, pushed out or cratered primers show the round is too hot. Good luck.
I'v been getting 3/4 and slightly over 1 inch with every bullet (smk, vld, and nosler accubond LR). All have been with 4350. I am not the kind of guy that can get 1/2 every time, but the 1/2 guarantee has been very elusive with this rifle. I will try some different powders and have them ready to try this weekend. I always shoot at least 3 groups before I make a decision on a load.
Those are all good bullets and H4350 has proven to be the best performer in the .260. The .260 has been best with 130gr. bullets but like that Savage I reviewed it liked the 140gr. as far out as I could get them. As you can imagine I shoot a lot but there are days I cannot not hit the side of a barn from inside. You have to learn to relax and concentrate on your breathing and trigger control. Let me know how you do.
I know a few guys using varget and 130 VLDs so that will be my first try. Also the 140 sierras with 4350 are worth giving another chance. At 200 yds the sierras gave me one barely over 1/2 moa and one right at 1 moa. I wish I would have loaded more of them that day. I might reduce my powder charge. 44.5 was max and I went with 44.0. I think I will try 43.5 or 43.0
I looked at all my data and I have not tried the 130vld in any of my 260's. I shot the 130ss2, 130nab and the 129hib in all of them and was simply unimpressed with performance.

Mine seem to like 140's and 120's better. They will shoot the 140vld in one hole with a 1 in 8 twist. I need to try them in my 1 in 9 one day. I have been using the 120nbt and tsx for hunting and accuracy is real good 1/2 moa or better. The 140nab is extremely accurate as well but wounding was not as broad at 260 velocities. I tried RL17 43gr with the 120nbt velocity was high and accuracy was good a little over 1/2moa you can get pretty particular the 260.

My 6.5x284 and 6.5-06 really like the 130vldh.

Shoot straight

What charge are you using on the H4831 (140 SMK)? Just about everything I find shows 46.0 max except Hodgdon showing 48.0. Sierra data that I have didn't show H4831.
I'v been getting 3/4 and slightly over 1 inch with every bullet (smk, vld, and nosler accubond LR). All have been with 4350. I am not the kind of guy that can get 1/2 every time, but the 1/2 guarantee has been very elusive with this rifle. I will try some different powders and have them ready to try this weekend. I always shoot at least 3 groups before I make a decision on a load.
The bullets you are testing are all very long and MAY not be completely stable at 100 yards. Try them out to 2-300 yards and see what you get with your accuracy load you found for each. You want a 1/2 inch group at 100 yards? Use a flat base bullet. Also go to our website and under the INFORMATION tab on the main page click on TECH TALK and read Eric's article "VLD's Making them shoot" for seating depth testing information. Horizontal group = wind, Vertical = load, Angular= shooter. Keep a good loading log book and change only ONE THING AT A TIME then test it. Jumping around and guessing only wastes time and money. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us in this string or at [email protected].
The bullets you are testing are all very long and MAY not be completely stable at 100 yards. Try them out to 2-300 yards and see what you get with your accuracy load you found for each. You want a 1/2 inch group at 100 yards? Use a flat base bullet. Also go to our website and under the INFORMATION tab on the main page click on TECH TALK and read Eric's article "VLD's Making them shoot" for seating depth testing information. Horizontal group = wind, Vertical = load, Angular= shooter. Keep a good loading log book and change only ONE THING AT A TIME then test it. Jumping around and guessing only wastes time and money. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us in this string or at [email protected].

my experience is VLD's shoot very well. They like to be jammed into the lands. I would start my powder test with the COL jammed in the lands .015 or.02. start low and work up. After you find your powder charge then you can start looking for the jump that will get you to mag length. Berger explains the process very well. In fact I think it is on this website.
I finally got my hands on a modified case for my coal gage after some of my Berger load tests. My magazine may not let me get quite to the lands which measured 2.915 which is quite a bit out from the 2.8 in Berger data. I had been testing most loads at 200 yds. I think we all have seen loads that shoot at 100 and open up at 200 from hunting rifles, so I skip right to 200 and save the disappointment. The H4831 I tried today tightened up my groups as much as anything so I will use it and Sierras in the mean time. I can always play with Bergers later.

Thanks for all the suggestions
I finally got my hands on a modified case for my coal gage after some of my Berger load tests. My magazine may not let me get quite to the lands which measured 2.915 which is quite a bit out from the 2.8 in Berger data. I had been testing most loads at 200 yds. I think we all have seen loads that shoot at 100 and open up at 200 from hunting rifles, so I skip right to 200 and save the disappointment. The H4831 I tried today tightened up my groups as much as anything so I will use it and Sierras in the mean time. I can always play with Bergers later.

Thanks for all the suggestions

most people that shoot VLD's single load them.

MK's are not so finicky about COL

I just received 200 berger hybrids. Will try them out this weekend. Hope they are as forgiving as the MK's.
Wack you can probably get to 46gr with 140/142 smk and H4831SC depending on brass. 43 to 44 has been extremely accurate in my 260's. Groups can open up a bit when you get closer to max. 45gr has been an excellent hunting load in all my firearms.

I have heard good things about H1000 at about 50gr. I would exercise caution using H4831SC data with straight H4831 it takes up more space in the case and higher pressure can result.

Also I have stopped using the modified cases from hornady and Sinclair. I just seat a bullet in an empty resized case slightly and try close it in the firearm then seat it a little more until I can close the bolt. I find that to be very reliable.

Shoot straight

The 46.0 of H4831 shot fine. I didn't even notice if it was sc or not. The two rounds I chronographed were 2709 and 2725. I might try 45.5, but I hate to go much lower on velocity. This rifle will be used some to hunt with and some times hunting situations require some forgiveness when the range is not at a perfect 100 or 50 yd increments.

The other thing nobody says much about is difference in recoil. This load as well as some in other calibers had a pleasant straight back push as opposed to some that feel jumpy at the muzzle. I know I am about to get lectured about body position and bipod load, but some loads feel different even when shooting from the same position and using the same support.
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