2012 Opening Day Drop Tine Buck in Arizona


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
Got mine this morning! Opening day of the season. I had been watching this buck along with another smaller drop tine buck for about a month now. Saw him last night and he was in the same spot this morning bedded down in some thick junipers. I about stepped on him when he jumped out of the thicket and I shot him on the run at about a hundred yards.Drop was 8 1/2". Scored 165 3/8" gross


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Congrats on a great AZ buck.
I am assuming he was south of the Ditch.
Yeah he is south of the ditch, but there have been some other pretty nice bucks come out of this area this year. A couple went 190+ and a lot of 180's. Last year a girl in the junior hunt shot a straight four point that scored 214"! So it's a little easier to get drawn for this unit and I live right next to it and still has big bucks.
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