156" buck @ 609 yards.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2005
156\" buck @ 609 yards.

Last friday I drove to the southern part of Wisconsin for some ongoing CWD hunting. My father passed in October, and his land is for sale, so I thought I would get one last hunt in on my childhood homeland. The area is rolling hills consisting of ag fields, with surrounding bluffs which are wooded. I walked to the back of the property, and was a little disapointed to see the snowmobilers out. I sat down in the spot where I have a good view of the opposing hillside, and readied my equipment. I made note of the wind direction and speed and started to set-up posible shooting senarios in my mind. This helps pass time and makes me more preparred for shots when they arise. I glassed the area, concentrating on the woods and crp fields that lay across the valley. The snowmobile trail runs in the bottom of the valley and 2 snowmobiles went by. I looked over to the opposing hillside, into an area of crp that is surounded on 3 sides by thick red cedar growth. I had seen bucks use this area in past years, and today was no exception.

I noticed a deer that was not their a minute ago. One look with glass confirmed I had a shooter buck. I grabbed the Leica 800's and took a reading of 609 as the buck faced straight away. Another reading was 613, which I think was the cedar thicket he was faceing. The third read was 609, and at that I moved to the chart on my gunstock. I needed 2.5 mils of elavation over my 300 yard zero on the Weaver Tactical scope. With the quartering wind, which was to my estimation near 18 to 20 mph, I would correct with 1.2 mils of hold into it. I got behind the 260AI and figured my best and only shot at this deer was straight up the rear. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif I figured being 4 yards from the cover and pointing in that direction the chance that he would turn broadside was very small. With the harris bipod firmly planted I sent a 140 grain Hornady A-max on It's way. When the rifle settled back down, I seen the bucks rear end drop to the ground with his front end following. He rolled about 2 times and disaperred from view in the long grass. From the time I seen the deer to fireing the round was less than 30 seconds.

I waited there behind the gun for about 5 minutes, looking for any movement. I was confident that he was down for good and started my march.

When I aproached the deer I relized how important the timing of my hunt was. I had not been their more than 5 minutes when the snowmobiles went by. this buck was bedded down 10 yards from the cedar trees. If not from the snowmachines, then by his own acord he decided to rise and seek the nearby cover. I was lucky enough to have spotted him before he meandered into obscuritty. The bullet performance was spectacular. His pelvis was broke into 3 large pieces, the bullet passed through his gut and stopped in his chest cavity. Not thinking I unknowingly disgarded it when field dressing.

The buck was a dandy, he carried a 10 pt main frame, which grossed 156" He also carried an additional 4 abnormal tines which totaled about 8". His inside spread was only 17.5", but his mass and tine length were exceptional.

As I walked back to my Dad's house, I couldn't help but think that my father was with me this day.
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.


Sorry to hear about your father passing, but I do agree with you in that I think he was with you on this hunt. This will have to be a hunt that will stay in your mind forever.

Sounds like you had a great hunt and executed the shot quite well. The 'ol Texas heart shot comes through again. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Congratulations on your buck and the circumstances that surrounded the hunt made it even better. If you have any pictures of the buck, post them. Sounds like one that would be great to look at.
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.

I would get one last hunt in on my childhood homeland

[/ QUOTE ]

I fully understand and am happy for you that it turned out well. I suspect it would have been a good hunt even if there had been no deer, only good memories.
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.

Thanks for the story, it's kind of a bitter sweet deal. Stories like yours makes me appreciate every minute I have hunting with my Dad and Grandpa. Good job on the huge buck, it sounds like a beaut.
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.

I have 35mm pics, but no scanner. I'll see my brother-in-law during new years. He has all the computer gizmo's I'll see if I can post some pics from his pc. I think my wife is getting a digital cammera from Santa this year, that may help. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.

Daaang ! ,

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif Congrats on the kill and " I'm jealous " thoughts on the hunt . /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif

I noted the " 30 seconds " part and thought back on many of my first sightings and how things go south quickly sometimes .I have therefore developed a " It don't get no better " creed as far as first sight goes .

You must post pix, it is mandatory ! ( new rule , I think Dave King made it up /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif )

Congrats again , and may the Lord of light shine on you and yours in this celebration of his birth .

Jim Brown
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.

Great story, there is just something about hunting family land that is special. Sorry for your loss and at the same time happy for the great hunt. Congrats.
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.

Coyboy, congrats and nice shot! I concur with everyone else that we need a photo! Lastly, how do you like that Weaver Tactical? I've thought about buying it a time or two, but haven't run in to anyone that has one. I'd like your honest opinion on it.
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.

Excellent story. Very well written. I enjoyed every word of it. My condolences on your father and congrats on a great deer.
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.

Thanks guys, for all the kind words.

My father passed Oct. 31 of multiple myloma, a very painful and deadly cancer that started in his vertibray. He was diagnosed Oct 28 of 2004, after 2 months of severe back pain. What was the real shocker was that my mother had a fatal heart atttack the day after my dads diagnosis. She was walking out the lobby of Church after morning mass with no symtoms and just collapsed. So It's been a very tough year. more so for my father who lost his wife and battled his cancer valiantly for a year.

On a happy note my wife gave birth to our first son on Nov. 28. He took his grandfathers name, Daniel.

So hold dear all your loved ones.

I will defenatly try to get pics posted in a week when I visit my B-I-L.
Re: 156\" buck @ 609 yards.

Big Sky, I like the weaver tacticals, for the price that Natchez is selling them for, you can't go wrong. I have two, both 4x14, and while working with one I found the adjutments not completly reliable. After a days worth of twisting, and going back to my 300 yard zero. Left me about 2 inches off point of aim. I have not encountered this problem with the other scope. This is not all that serious and was actually good because it forced me to aim and calculate with the mils. Which aids in the speed of sending the bullet to target quickly.

The glass is good, and very possibly the best glass for the price market the scope is in. The mil dots are in the first focal plane, which is a plus. Long term durability is unkown, I've only had the scopes about a year and my guns are not handled real rough if I can help it.

Kirby Allen got me on these scopes, seems he has had good luck with them also. If you have a number of guns that need good glass and you can't afford the better scopes, the weaver tactical is a very good comprimise.
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