Accubond sells for over 3 each!

In Canada a brick of 215m primers currently goes for $1000 ($743 usd) a few short years ago I was paying $50 and there was stacks of them on the shelves.
I wouldn't mind being embarrassed buying some 215's if I could only find some.
Do you mind if I join y'all?
And how did that work out?
Go to a different store.
My town all grocery stores ( all three) had mandates for masks. I see your point, but the next town with a grocery store is about 140 miles away and they might have had mandates too. I really enjoy eating so I will let bygones be bygones from that very restrictive era.
9 tenths of the world mandated the jab at one point or another...including the entire Canada/ U.S. border! No needle no entrance either side! I had to work too! Blame paranoia and spoon fed Propaganda not an individual company...the governments forced the shots Sherm.....take em' or stay home...I wasn't wealthy enough to stay home!
9 tenths of the world mandated the jab at one point or another...including the entire Canada/ U.S. border! No needle no entrance either side! I had to work too! Blame paranoia and spoon fed Propaganda not an individual company...the governments forced the shots Sherm.....take em' or stay home...I wasn't wealthy enough to stay home!
Believe it how you want, what would of happened 250+ years ago if the Patriots would have thought that way with the British.

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