Meanwhile in Canada…


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Saskatchewan, Canada
This is funny but dead serious too. If you haven't already heard, Canadian truckers have had it with being pushed around with vaccine mandates, and this week organized and assembled a convoy to effectively gridlock Ottawa in protest. It's become something of a grassroots movement: turns out lots of us have had enough and the truckers, God bless them, have been the first to really and truly stand up in an organized national effort way.

Our prime minister dismissed this as a "fringe minority with unacceptable views". Joke's on him! All across our country there have been thousands of people lined up beside the highways as different elements of this collective convoy have rolled through, to show support and enjoy being together (and it's January in Canada, not for the faint of heart…these people really care). In one week the Go Fund Me page has raised over 8 million so far.

I have never seen Canada unite quite like this. Of course the left and their bought and paid for media have done all they can to dismiss this as "white nationalism" (because increasingly the rhetoric here is that if youre not a liberal you're a racist automatically - I know you Americans are facing the same thing), or even terrorism, and it's increasingly obvious they're desperate and just name calling at this point (I wonder how all the non-white people who are very much present and participating in this thing feel about being called "privileged white nationalists"?). They're desperate for a reason…thousands of trucks and vehicles, thousands of people on foot, in Ottawa, and peaceful protests in every provincial capital.

I'm happy to say my home province of Saskatchewan's premier has formally stated, in writing, that his government stands with these men and women in their protesting of this unethical and unnecessary vaccine mandate for truckers.

I'm fully vaccinated…and it was my choice. It should be everyone's right to have full bodily autonomy. They say they haven't forced anyone…but having to choose their way or lose your livelihood is coercion. Now these folks have given them the same free choice…love to see them taste their own medicine.

I hope you see the humour in the pictures and I hope this makes your heart a bit lighter as well, especially you Americans (most of this forum) who would doubtless be dismissed as having "unacceptable views" and probably are by your own left wing government. You're not alone in the world! Not all your neighbours to the North are leftists and pushovers :).

If this is deemed unfit for this forum go ahead and delete, I'm not offended and I'm not trying to stir up any hate, just positivity that we're pushing back against being pushed around in the name of public safety. Enough is enough! God bless you, have a great day, and please pray for Canadian truckers and for peace, if this gets violent it discredits the whole thing!


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And a notable number of trucks in this things have now been painted or labeled with the word "unacceptable", referencing our PMs dismissive comments. I love it. I'm hopefully unacceptable in my views too!

Between us newly identified "unacceptables" in Canada and all you "deplorables" in the USA, we're in this together (to use a cliche phrase I myself am tired of hearing because it's mostly BS - the gall of these people who are at no risk of losing their jobs to tell those who are "we're all in this together"…yeah right!)

Can't wait to see what kind of name calling the Aussies and Kiwis that have the audacity to stand up for themselves are the recipients of. Whatever it is, just embrace it!
Here is a video from Regina (Saskatchewan's Capital) yesterday

Apparently the movement is gaining traction internationally - funny though, not much coverage in the news...

Oh man, as I researched the Australian one, i saw one news agency focusing entirely on the fact that one of the vehicles in their convoy had been in an accident. WHAT!?!?!? A car crash ON THE HIGHWAY!?!!? That literally never happens except when bad racists (of all colours 🤣) protest! Right…

How stupid do they think we are? Never mind, don't answer that…