Which Rifle to put Silencer on ?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
Looking for which Varmint Rifle to add a Can to . 1st is a Ruger Mk 2 223 , 2nd is a M77 22-250 , 3rd is a M77 220 Swift and 4th is a 16" Ar platform in 223.
GEMTECH ONE w/quick mount flash hider. one can for: 223 (3), 6.5 CM (2), 6.5x55 (1), 300 B/O (1), 308 (1), 300 WinMag (1)

TIKKA 6.5 CM.jpg
Looking for which Varmint Rifle to add a Can to . 1st is a Ruger Mk 2 223 , 2nd is a M77 22-250 , 3rd is a M77 220 Swift and 4th is a 16" Ar platform in 223.

"IF" your rifles have the same thread as your suppressor, you can use it on any rifle with proper clearance and rating. For instance, my Eliteiron Bravo SD .30 cal is rated for .300 RUM and I have used it on my .30 LARA, .300 WMs/WSM, .270 AI, .264 WM, 6.5 CM, etc ...

All my rifles are threaded for 5/8-24 except for a couple (1/2-28s). I try to make them all with the same muzzle thread if I can.
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I'll go with all of the above replies! Heck, thread em all, buy one .223 can and you can switch among them all. But, I will warn you, cans are like a good drug, you can't stop at just one ! Once you shoot with a can, you will first kick yourself for waiting so long, and then shooting with friends who don't, well, you won't be happy there. Hehehe.
Looking for which Varmint Rifle to add a Can to . 1st is a Ruger Mk 2 223 , 2nd is a M77 22-250 , 3rd is a M77 220 Swift and 4th is a 16" Ar platform in 223.

They easily screw on and off, enabling you to move it from rifle to rifle easily. I would get a 7" 223 suppressor and have all the rifles I want to shoot suppressed threaded.

It is probably just "dumb-luck-tuner-effect" but my Banish 223 turns my .5 moa Rem. 700 .204 into a laser. Shot this 5-shot, .247" group today at 100 yds:

Talk about "baiting" someone into buying a suppressor! Ky- Windage just did that! I had forgot to mention how much better you shoot when a can is on the firearm.
I will say for the first can, I'd go with a titanium 30 cal. can. That will do, with adapters, all from 30 cal on down to , really, 22 rimfire. A bit over sized for the smalls, but will do. Once you get one, you will want more, so why not go ahead and buy two? Why go through all the hassle and waiting for the second? It's crazy that we have to wait for a "pipe" , but can buy a firearm the same day we walk into a store! The NRA needs to do more work!
Talk about "baiting" someone into buying a suppressor! Ky- Windage just did that! I had forgot to mention how much better you shoot when a can is on the firearm.
I will say for the first can, I'd go with a titanium 30 cal. can. That will do, with adapters, all from 30 cal on down to , really, 22 rimfire. A bit over sized for the smalls, but will do. Once you get one, you will want more, so why not go ahead and buy two? Why go through all the hassle and waiting for the second? It's crazy that we have to wait for a "pipe" , but can buy a firearm the same day we walk into a store! The NRA needs to do more work!
NRA left us long ago but I think WE have a lot of work to do. Vote, educate friends family (especially your children), be a good steward.
Seato summit, you got that all right! I joined the suppressor assoc. and I hope they are working for us. But like you smartly said, WE individually need to voice our wishes to our legislators and vote!
NRA left us long ago but I think WE have a lot of work to do. Vote, educate friends family (especially your children), be a good steward.
Talk about "baiting" someone into buying a suppressor! Ky- Windage just did that! I had forgot to mention how much better you shoot when a can is on the firearm.
I will say for the first can, I'd go with a titanium 30 cal. can. That will do, with adapters, all from 30 cal on down to , really, 22 rimfire. A bit over sized for the smalls, but will do. Once you get one, you will want more, so why not go ahead and buy two? Why go through all the hassle and waiting for the second? It's crazy that we have to wait for a "pipe" , but can buy a firearm the same day we walk into a store! The NRA needs to do more work!

I have a very cool 30-cal suppressor (the only one you can shoot either in 7" mode or 9" with a 2" extension), but unless he plans to suppress something that requires a bigger caliber suppressor, I would go with a 223 suppressor, because it will suppress better and/or be lighter/smaller.

Not a huge deal, though. A 30 would certainly work, but I am glad I have both.
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