New bullet to play with.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2014
I got some of the Lehigh defense 6.5mm 121 grain copper solid today. I have some in the tumbler getting hex coated as I type this. I hope to send these way out there.
.536 g1
I'm hoping with hex to get them to 3100-3200 fps.
Left to right,
147 ELD
121 Lehigh
140 ELD
140 RDF
130 Berger hybrid
Here is the Warner Flat Line 6.5mm 121 grain:


G1 BC by Doppler @ 637....
I really like those bullets!!
One to ponder something interesting?
Run both of those bullets thru a twist calculator at sea level.
But both companies claim and it's proven they are stabile in a 8 twist. BCs are checked with a 8 twist, I believe..
Right now, I'm running a 1:7.25" twist in a 22" barrel with a suppressor. 3200+ fps at sea level. The Berger Calculator agrees although I think the math being used is slightly stilted...:mad:
Right now, I'm running a 1:7.25" twist in a 22" barrel with a suppressor. 3200+ fps at sea level. The Berger Calculator agrees although I think the math being used is slightly stilted...:mad:
Yea, I was baffled. My question is, if BCs are calculated with the slight stability decrease in mind with a 8 twist, then what are the BCs when running at 1.5sg and above? Or, is the calculator not taking in account the difference in "balance" that a mono would have because the lead core is missing.
And in fact they are running at 1.5 Sg or above?
My reasoning is everybody who's run the Warner's in a 8 twist, are saying the BC is true or slightly low.
Frank tested the Warners and had .670 at 3100fps in a 22" creed running 3100+. Also he has a DA advantage out in Co with that altitude. If your using a longer tube cfe223 should get you 3200 with varget there also. 4166 was the powder used with good sd and 3100+ with accuracy. Frank is not a guy who fiddles with the load so if you play with seating some you should be able to get all of these powders shooting well at very good speeds. I think he said that the doppler numbers were established with a 2900fps velocity. If you have some 2000 mr that would also be a great powder for speed and accuracy. I saw some speed using 120 smk's 2990 in a 24" without pressue in norma brass. Only did a ladder and it was below 30 degrees when I tried it.
Frank tested the Warners and had .670 at 3100fps in a 22" creed running 3100+. Also he has a DA advantage out in Co with that altitude. If your using a longer tube cfe223 should get you 3200 with varget there also. 4166 was the powder used with good sd and 3100+ with accuracy. Frank is not a guy who fiddles with the load so if you play with seating some you should be able to get all of these powders shooting well at very good speeds. I think he said that the doppler numbers were established with a 2900fps velocity. If you have some 2000 mr that would also be a great powder for speed and accuracy. I saw some speed using 120 smk's 2990 in a 24" without pressue in norma brass. Only did a ladder and it was below 30 degrees when I tried it.
Thanks for the data.
I watched Franks vid on the Warner's. I read he was running a 1-8.5 twist at 4500 ft. altitude. I didn't run his twist and elevation thru a calculator, but he corrected to a .69 g1. That is a awesome bullet. I just wish they could get them down to 30-50 cents a bullet.
Thanks for the data.
I watched Franks vid on the Warner's. I read he was running a 1-8.5 twist at 4500 ft. altitude. I didn't run his twist and elevation thru a calculator, but he corrected to a .69 g1. That is a awesome bullet. I just wish they could get them down to 30-50 cents a bullet.
These work well waste some time measuring them:D
I have about 500 left. I tried to find some disparity between individual bullets but I admitted to failure after the first 50 or so...:rolleyes:
That's the same with these Lehigh bullets. Lathed turned is definitely consistent. It's probably why CEB dominates the two mile match.
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