Spring bear hunt guide recommendations


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2016
My father, brother and I are looking at doing a Spring bear hunt and I'm looking for guide recommendations. Right now we're looking at late May in Idaho or Wyoming but I'm open to other locations. It doesn't need to be a long range friendly guide. It'll be our first bear hunt so I'm more concerned with getting an opportunity on a nice bear more than anything else. I'm ok with hunting over bait or spot and stalk. I'm not sure about shooting them out of trees using dogs. Nothing against the practice, it just isn't a type of hunting I've ever done before and I'm not certain if I'd enjoy it as much. If you've done it and loved it, tell me why and maybe I'd be down. Have any of you used any guides you'd recommend on a hunt like this?
Bear hunting is my favorite thing. I only spot & stalk. Nothing against the other methods. When I see a bear they are just being a bear. They are not looking down out of a tree and they do not have their head stuck in a barrel. I live in Idaho & I have let 18 bears go since my last kill. I must admit I did miss one last fall. OOPS!
Anyway I hunt by myself so I don't know any guides. If you PM me I will help you out.
Good luck.
Thanks, Kirk
I ran a pack for 3 seasons. Some of the most fun days I ever had hunting. I had to sell off the dogs due to divorce. I get to hunt with some of the offspring for coyotes and the baying hounds to me is a special kind of music. I was in my 20's then and 50's now. I will say that if I had to use my legs instead of a snow machine I would not be able to do it. Back then I ran 2-5 miles a day with a dedicated work out program. Today I walk my dogs about 1/2 mile and feel it due to many hold my beer moments
My father, brother and I are looking at doing a Spring bear hunt and I'm looking for guide recommendations. Right now we're looking at late May in Idaho or Wyoming but I'm open to other locations. It doesn't need to be a long range friendly guide. It'll be our first bear hunt so I'm more concerned with getting an opportunity on a nice bear more than anything else. I'm ok with hunting over bait or spot and stalk. I'm not sure about shooting them out of trees using dogs. Nothing against the practice, it just isn't a type of hunting I've ever done before and I'm not certain if I'd enjoy it as much. If you've done it and loved it, tell me why and maybe I'd be down. Have any of you used any guides you'd recommend on a hunt like this?
I live in SW Oregon and we have lots of Bears down here, a buddy and myself just started a guiding business and will specialize in spot and stalk bear hunting. Let me know if you're interested, I can send you pics and videos of bears we have killed and lots we have let go. We are pricing a 4 day hunt all inclusive with lodging and meals at $4100
I can probably go out to Idaho or up to Montana. Wyoming would be easy.
I've hunted with 5K Outfitters near Star Valley, WY twice and had an enjoyable time. I took a bear both seasons, and there were definitely some big boars hitting the bait sites.

After having hunted over bait, I would look at a spot and stalk hunt. Sitting for hours on end just isn't my thing.
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