Should we start to boycot these high prices?

Well this turned into a clown show real quick. Boycott them. These price hikes started way, way before the so-called "inflation" that so many on here are talking about.
Please do boycott them Charlie Brown.
Well Now!!!, when I can't find what I want, I make it.
Go into business, or find some folks on here that want the same thing, competition drives the prices down.
I'm am wondering if I (we) should start to boycot these companies that are bending us over, charging these extortionate prices on reloading supplies. This high price greed is not ok. They are praying on the pandemic pricing craze. There is no way that their raw materials have gone up that much to warrant these high prices. Maybe we need to just say "enough of this crap. Stuff your prices!"
Maybe golf is your game.
Bruno shooters supply just sent me an Email...4064 is $40 lb. (that's the only one they have that interests me) Not too bad. They also have some Ginex SR primers at $700 for 5k. Now, that's pretty bad.

They also have other powders for sale...I know that Bruno is not the cheapest on the 'net, but there it is. If I was in need, I would buy questions asked.

Now to get personal political...

My nephew, who I haven't talked to in 20 years, showed up at my front door recently. Asking how thing are, where you living and working and such, he said he works for the National Security Agency (NSA) and lives in Maryland (and drives a Prius)...said that he is a Republican that hated Trump so much that he voted for Biden.

Why? He stated "because it was all about him" (Trump). I said so what? Then I said, name something policy wise he didn't like...he didn't, or couldn' I asked what has Biden done that you like...he started a rant on how they gotta get the 'old people' out of Office...Blah, Blah...I could go on. I don't think I'll see him for another 20 years. Sorry for spilling my guts, but it hurts to see. I fear for this country.
I'm guessing the OP doesn't follow the commodities markets or doesn't work in a industry that is affected by supply chain delays.

I can tell you we are easily paying 50-60% more for copper and steel than we were 2 years ago; and lead times have quadrupled.

It is in no company's best interest to "gouge" anyone. As stated by another poster; they are simply taking their cost and marking it up to the profit margin that they need to stay afloat.

I am currently doing a project that has 2 phases spread approximately 2 years apart on start dates. Phase 2 cost has increased by 43% to the owner due to current economy issues but my profit margin remains the same.
Why would I boycott companies that are trying to make and sell what I want that in theses time of supply chain issues, shortages and pandemics are passing their costs to to make the same profit they did before March of 2020? If the price point is higher than I like, I don;t buy it. Besides, i am to busy boycotting "woke" companies like Disney.
Further: basic economics - supply and demand: demand goes up, supply goes down--> prices go up. Supply goes up. demand falls --> prices fall. And as far as CO2 is concerned - look into carbonite cycle..
I'm guessing the OP doesn't follow the commodities markets or doesn't work in a industry that is affected by supply chain delays.

I can tell you we are easily paying 50-60% more for copper and steel than we were 2 years ago; and lead times have quadrupled.

It is in no company's best interest to "gouge" anyone. As stated by another poster; they are simply taking their cost and marking it up to the profit margin that they need to stay afloat.

I am currently doing a project that has 2 phases spread approximately 2 years apart on start dates. Phase 2 cost has increased by 43% to the owner due to current economy issues but my profit margin remains the same.
Might want to re-check your numbers Mike on steel....more like 120-180% on least here in Canada and 300% + on lumber. Otherwise...well done response Sir!
Bruno shooters supply just sent me an Email...4064 is $40 lb. (that's the only one they have that interests me) Not too bad. They also have some Ginex SR primers at $700 for 5k. Now, that's pretty bad.

They also have other powders for sale...I know that Bruno is not the cheapest on the 'net, but there it is. If I was in need, I would buy questions asked.

Now to get personal political...

My nephew, who I haven't talked to in 20 years, showed up at my front door recently. Asking how thing are, where you living and working and such, he said he works for the National Security Agency (NSA) and lives in Maryland (and drives a Prius)...said that he is a Republican that hated Trump so much that he voted for Biden.

Why? He stated "because it was all about him" (Trump). I said so what? Then I said, name something policy wise he didn't like...he didn't, or couldn' I asked what has Biden done that you like...he started a rant on how they gotta get the 'old people' out of Office...Blah, Blah...I could go on. I don't think I'll see him for another 20 years. Sorry for spilling my guts, but it hurts to see. I fear for this country.
You sound knowledgeable and seem to form your opinions with facts for a not expect this from others...
That about sums it up.

@300whisper you going to get in on this thread???
Good points all. It's called open discussion. Take it or leave it. One thing is really evident: there are a bunch of opinons on this subject. Thers no right or wrong way to go about this. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion. Why attempt to shut down open discussion? Because it's stupid or different? Your in the United States. In this country we have the right to open discussion. It's called the Constitution.
I'm am wondering if I (we) should start to boycot these companies that are bending us over, charging these extortionate prices on reloading supplies. This high price greed is not ok. They are praying on the pandemic pricing craze. There is no way that their raw materials have gone up that much to warrant these high prices. Maybe we need to just say "enough of this crap. Stuff your prices!"

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