Should we start to boycot these high prices?

Am I following this thread correctly?

The OP starts the thread by accusing random and unnamed companies of extortion, bending us over, and greed.

Then there is a volley of several hundred posts from people who understand simple economics and those who don't.

The OP then complains that nobody is posting solutions even though they had.

He is then given several ideas on how to lower prices.

The OP then proceeds to tell us there is only enough oil to last 10,000 years and makes a prophecy that we will no longer be able to breathe if we don't cover the US in windmills and solar panels and receive deliver from a trucking company with a Toyota Prius fleet which will get you your product in however long it takes from point A to point B. Don't forget to add time to that delivery date for charging time in case the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining. We will also need to take into account payload capacity of the Prius compared to the tractor trailer. I have to assume it will create alot of traffic since it will take several hundred Toyota Prius to make up for one tractor trailer.

Feenix then posts a very funny and fitting excerpt from Revenge of the nerds which by the way I am still laughing at.

In steps Reelamin with unequivocal proof we are being gouged by these companies with the purchase of some cheap powder and bullets. After a follow up question he reveals he bought the powder and bullets from a pawn shop that is sympathetic to the working man and has sold his products at cost for 40 years and made such a great living he retired and handed this non money making buisness to the next generation of his family.

I am no pawn shop expert but I am pretty sure the powder and bullets you bought were sold to your non profit pawn shop by:
A. Tweeker
B. Someone down on their luck
C. Thief
D. Some dead guys family trying to unload a lifetime of belongs

The non profit pawn shop paid one of these individuals .10 on the dollar. Meaning the non profit pawn shop probably in the neighborhood of 90% profit. Also why does it say we loan money on the sign on there store? It must be at 0% interest.

This thread is sad and extremely entertaining all in one.
That about sums it up.

@300whisper you going to get in on this thread???
Am I following this thread correctly?

The OP starts the thread by accusing random and unnamed companies of extortion, bending us over, and greed.

Then there is a volley of several hundred posts from people who understand simple economics and those who don't.

The OP then complains that nobody is posting solutions even though they had.

He is then given several ideas on how to lower prices.

The OP then proceeds to tell us there is only enough oil to last 10,000 years and makes a prophecy that we will no longer be able to breathe if we don't cover the US in windmills and solar panels and receive deliver from a trucking company with a Toyota Prius fleet which will get you your product in however long it takes from point A to point B. Don't forget to add time to that delivery date for charging time in case the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining. We will also need to take into account payload capacity of the Prius compared to the tractor trailer. I have to assume it will create alot of traffic since it will take several hundred Toyota Prius to make up for one tractor trailer.

Feenix then posts a very funny and fitting excerpt from Revenge of the nerds which by the way I am still laughing at.

In steps Reelamin with unequivocal proof we are being gouged by these companies with the purchase of some cheap powder and bullets. After a follow up question he reveals he bought the powder and bullets from a pawn shop that is sympathetic to the working man and has sold his products at cost for 40 years and made such a great living he retired and handed this non money making buisness to the next generation of his family.

I am no pawn shop expert but I am pretty sure the powder and bullets you bought were sold to your non profit pawn shop by:
A. Tweeker
B. Someone down on their luck
C. Thief
D. Some dead guys family trying to unload a lifetime of belongs

The non profit pawn shop paid one of these individuals .10 on the dollar. Meaning the non profit pawn shop probably in the neighborhood of 90% profit. Also why does it say we loan money on the sign on there store? It must be at 0% interest.

This thread is sad and extremely entertaining all in one.
This Sir deserves a 5- buffalo stars! Well done.
I can not believe your actually comparing prices of a pawn shop to a business that make it's margins as a retailer and saying legit business are raping people. You have to be joking right, you can not be that out of touch with how those business make money!!!!
Those Gun and Pawn are MONEY makers but it's not because princes is running a low margins care for the community type business!!
None of you nay sayers have any idea what the gun shop is or how they operate. Nor if it is profitable or not. Some people believe in honor and tradition, and honoring what their family started by not changing the name is important to many people. Yes the name pawn is in it, and no one could walk in off the street and pawn one dang thing there. Obviously opinions are always opinions and you are entitled to them. I am fully aware of what many or even most "pawn shops" are, who, what, how they accept pawns and even the average percentage they pay and return on both pawned and purchased items. Just happened I was assigned the pawn detail for three years while working street level drugs, as the two commonly operated with the same customer base. Notice I did not say all business's who pawned or accepted items to buy did business with the same people. I am always open to learning new things, so please share some facts and proven information on Pawn Shops, Pawn Law, Pawn Percentages, et all. Just PM me to start and I would love to have a phone conversation in a civil and respectful manner. I'm all ears and even today I learned something new.
How do you end up paying $2890 in taxes on $4400 in gross income?
Unearned income effects stuff weirdly and I dont know enough about tax code to understand it completely. All I know is thats what the numbers did, and it happens every year. This is the biggest swing we've seen though.
you wont be hunting montana every year anymore, every 3 yrs if your lucky, rules are changing for non residents, the residents haave had enough and they are leting the powers that be know they are fed up with the current system and want major changes
What? Not to get off topic, but that's wildly untrue. The number for NR combos has been 17k forever. Reduction in NR success rates is because the number of applicants gets further ahead of that 17k every year. You think the fwp game commission cares what you think? Look at the public comment and then compare that to how the commission votes. LOL
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What? Not to get off topic, but that's wildly untrue. The number for NR combos has been 17k forever. Reduction in NR success rates is because the number of applicants gets further ahead of that 17k every year. You think the fwp game commission cares what you think? Look at the public comment and then compare that to how the commission votes. LOL
Last year there was just shy of 60,000 non res tags sold, they ****ed a LOT of residents off!! The laws are going to get changed in a lot of western states!!
Well this turned into a clown show real quick. Boycott them. These price hikes started way, way before the so-called "inflation" that so many on here are talking about.
Last year there was just shy of 60,000 non res tags sold, they ****ed a LOT of residents off!! The laws are going to get changed in a lot of western states!!
Saw this, this morning though this fire needed more fuel.
