
I have a good friend who's son is undergoing stomach cancer surgery today. Christopher Michael Murtha in his early 30's is going through a rough time . Please pray for him and his mother Joanna that they get through this with the lords help.
Done! Bless you for your faith. Prayers sent up for him & his family as well.
I have a good friend who's son is undergoing stomach cancer surgery today. Christopher Michael Murtha in his early 30's is going through a rough time . Please pray for him and his mother Joanna that they get through this with the lords help.
I am praying for Christopher and his family that God will touch him and heal him completely for He is the Great Physician.
I have a good friend who's son is undergoing stomach cancer surgery today. Christopher Michael Murtha in his early 30's is going through a rough time . Please pray for him and his mother Joanna that they get through this with the lords help.
In Jesus name I pray for healing and strength for Chris Amen

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