
I have a good friend who's son is undergoing stomach cancer surgery today. Christopher Michael Murtha in his early 30's is going through a rough time . Please pray for him and his mother Joanna that they get through this with the lords help.
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Prayers for the young man and his loving mother
I have a good friend who's son is undergoing stomach cancer surgery today. Christopher Michael Murtha in his early 30's is going through a rough time . Please pray for him and his mother Joanna that they get through this with the lords help.
Prayers sent for supernatural healing/recovery in Jesus' Name. Psalms 91 and Psalms 103:2-5
I have a good friend who's son is undergoing stomach cancer surgery today. Christopher Michael Murtha in his early 30's is going through a rough time . Please pray for him and his mother Joanna that they get through this with the lords help.
The moment I read this I Prayed for the young man and his family and will continue to do so. Please keep us updated on his condition.
By His stripes we are healed, may CHRIST place his healing hand upon this young man and may he bring comfort to his family.
I have a good friend who's son is undergoing stomach cancer surgery today. Christopher Michael Murtha in his early 30's is going through a rough time . Please pray for him and his mother Joanna that they get through this with the lords help.
We pray for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery and prayers for the family
My prayers are for both a successful treatment and speedy recovery.
A supportive family and friends are also so important. I say that as I sit here getting chemo.

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