My How Times Have Changed

You guys have very short memories, the shortages started while #DIPERDON was still in office. It has absolutely nothing to do with politics just SCUMBAG scammers snapping everything up for speculation. It's an easy fix just sit on your hands and do nothing and those of you who have accounts at Gunbroker and Brownells and other online dealers contact them and let them know that you will be deleting your accounts until they get there heads outa their asses and start shutting down the scammers, bet you'll see a drastic change REAL quick.
And they're at it again with the clown someone put in office . Scrap prices have almost doubled in the last 4 months. Steel and copper. And it's mostly going overseas
the post i replied too said nothing about ammo shortages! But.... You know us back woods hillbillies cant much remember much of anything and need them edumucated east and west coast fellers too tells us what we's know.....
I was just reading where gun sales are up again. The last time I looked there wasn't much in stock behind the counters. i can remember back in about 2000 or a little earlier that AR-15's got to somewhere around $2,500.00 each. A couple of years ago we got in hundred of barrels to recycle. Everybody was cancelling orders for those rifles. I think that has changed.
Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live
Wages fall during a Democrat administration because the money that would have gone to higher wages and more jobs goes into the government instead. Of course, the people who vote Democrat are too stupid to understand that. Government can not create wealth they can only destroy it. The government does not produce anything, it can only take money out of the economy to use for it's own programs.
Forget politics, the same thing happened in 2008 for those that remember. Hoarding was the cause. We just had the perfect storm of the pandemic, another dem voted in and the same old hoarding. Try to remember that the sky didn't fall then and it won't fall now.
Wages fall during a Democrat administration because the money that would have gone to higher wages and more jobs goes into the government instead. Of course, the people who vote Democrat are too stupid to understand that. Government can not create wealth they can only destroy it. The government does not produce anything, it can only take money out of the economy to use for it's own programs.

Actually you are close. When it is a Democrat administration, the money that could have gone to wages goes to taxes instead. The flip side is during a Republican administration, the money that could have gone to wages goes to the bosses pocket instead. Average Joe is damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I see prices changing at Midway, Brownell, Nateqez and few other. I have been watching prices fall. I gauge by what 5.56 ammo is selling for. Late last year 5.56 was $2.00 per round, and now @ $0.75 per round with some comes with added on, to help the sales of the ammo. Like Clips. It's still about $0.35 per round to high yet, to get back to what is was in 2019, and before. It may not get that low again, but it's coming down. That quite a drop in about 8 months.
It is about politics. People panic when gun grabbers get into office. So they stock up in case they can't buy it later. Stocking up means buyintg 10 times what they'd normally buy, which causes shortages. Just like toilet paper disappeared off the shelves for a while last year.
I saw a person with a whole garage full of TP, and paper towels last fall. I bet the rat had a nice this last winter. Another one was two older gals had there shopping cart full of 3lbs of of coffee. I might go through 3 lbs in a month. Not only that where do you store it all at.
Its just like everything else!! The people on gunbroker are not too blame ... its the people that are basically enabling them too get those prices, by paying those prices and not even needing the stuff!! same with all the posts on this site and other informing people of powder here powder there and so on when in reality keep your mouth shut and don't inform those that are hoarding and it will come back .... just like some local stores blasting that they are getting huge shipment of powder doors open at 9am and there is a line 2 hours long waiting ... *** i get so damned ****ed ... just put the powder on the shelves and it will sell too those actually needing it why create chaos!! they are literally creating the shortage.
I agree with that synopsis. As my home projects are already finished, I'd be willing to trade 5 or 6, 8 ft two by fours for 8 lbs of 4895.
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