.308 build


Active Member
May 15, 2013
I am try to build slash upgrade a .308 I have a Remington 700p with a rifle basics trigger and have just bought a mdt lss -xl chassis for it. the barrel is original 20 inch fluted Remington barrel. I am new to this so am wanting to know if I am on the right track will change barrel in the future but have to keep this one for now it still keeps groups under an inch. just looking for ideas and suggestions this will be a huntomg gun and some distance shooting but mostly hunting
On the right track for what?

More accuracy?
More precision?
Higher round capacity?
Lighter weight?
Ability to add AR style attachments?

Switching the stock out might change the groups for the better or worse, depending on how the original stock fit. If I were getting sub MOA groups with the original setup I doubt if I would bother with changing anything for a hunting rifle, especially moving over to a chassis system with far more potential for getting the rifle hung up on things (pack straps, foliage, etc.). Adding parts never guarantees better performance, you'll know when you test the change. If your goal was to go to a chassis for some specific benefit, and this chassis provides that benefit, then you made the right choice. But you still have to test the package and see if the groups have been affected.
On the right track for what?

More accuracy?
More precision?
Higher round capacity?
Lighter weight?
Ability to add AR style attachments?

Switching the stock out might change the groups for the better or worse, depending on how the original stock fit. If I were getting sub MOA groups with the original setup I doubt if I would bother with changing anything for a hunting rifle, especially moving over to a chassis system with far more potential for getting the rifle hung up on things (pack straps, foliage, etc.). Adding parts never guarantees better performance, you'll know when you test the change. If your goal was to go to a chassis for some specific benefit, and this chassis provides that benefit, then you made the right choice. But you still have to test the package and see if the groups have been affected.
Thanks for the advice I am hoping to lighten the weight and make the rifle more versatile as it is it is heavier than I would like and I would like to improve or keep the same accuracy then to lighten more later with a carbon fiber barrel but then would need help on who to have it all installed by I am not up to that yet
I understand, sorry to say that I can't help with any expert on installing a carbon fiber barrel. But that chassis should give you a good base to work from. I've got a few lightweight .308s but none are built on a chassis system.
This is the before and after it is lighter (not sure how much never actually weighed It ) but it feels better to hold and is more user friendly with the adjustable but stock and feels really solid


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Carbon Six makes a Remage barrel that you could install yourself very easily with a few tools. But with a .308 you don't really need a large contour unless you plan on shooting groups with high string counts. If you keep it 5 shots or under between cool downs, you should be able to do a #3-#5 contour steel barrel and not spend so much on a carbon barrel. There's a plethora of options but only you can decide what it is that you want. I would recommend looking at Remage barrels from Xcaliber and Carbon Six
I have a Carbon Six on my 308. I don't think I would do another. Most finicky barrel I have ever tried to find a load for.
Still been a never ending process.

152 Hammers have been the only one so far. Still working a non hunting long range load. May not be in the cards.
Still been a never ending process.

152 Hammers have been the only one so far. Still working a non hunting long range load. May not be in the cards.
have you tried any matchkings for your non hunting load they are normally very easy to make shoot
Federal Gold Medal Match 168s are stupid good for my all-factory tikka.
@Wendet, how does it shoot, before and after?
I bought this tikka to screw around with and not have to spend so much time at the reloading bench. Maybe turn it into a 6 Dasher or straight BR.... darn thing shoots too good in factory plastic stock, with factory loads to justify screwing with it.

Don't get all caught up in having to have a full custom blah blah blah..... shoot it, learn it, then you'll know what needs to be done.
What you have is a LTR 308. I have one too. Very accurate Tac/Hunting rig out of the box. That 20" looks just right in that MDT Chasis, I went with a Grey-Boe stock (McMIllan's son) with bottom metal and love it. Have 24" Proof Carbon ready to put on in next few months. That would be my recommendation, longer barrel for better vel.......
If your 308 won't shoot a flavor of match ammo sub moa something is wrong. Check every screw box test the scope. Make sure the barrel is clean to start with. If everything is to spec have a smith bore scope your barrel. If that looks good have an experienced shooter shoot the rifle.
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