Well-Known Member
I've decided to sell this one to pay for new build. It started out as a Winchester model 70 extreme weather 270wsm.
- action trued
-bedded with devcon
- benchmark 1-9" twist 5R barrel 24" long fluted, the barrel contour is the same as the extreme weather but I added 1.5" to the shank so the barrel could be set back if ever needed.
- metal coated with KG gun coat matte black
- ptg bolt knob
- Gre-tan bushed the bolt and installed a custom fluted firing pin.
- B&C stock was coated to match black laminate wood
- talley light weight rings
- Moa trigger stoned and resprung with Ernie trigger spring breaks at 2lbs
- it has exactly 94 rounds through the barrel.
Before any work was done.
Only chip or blemish on the rifle
Load work up with H1000 and 165gr matrix VLDs
I will take $1400 shipped to your FFL for the rifle, no scope or bipod.
- action trued
-bedded with devcon
- benchmark 1-9" twist 5R barrel 24" long fluted, the barrel contour is the same as the extreme weather but I added 1.5" to the shank so the barrel could be set back if ever needed.
- metal coated with KG gun coat matte black
- ptg bolt knob
- Gre-tan bushed the bolt and installed a custom fluted firing pin.
- B&C stock was coated to match black laminate wood
- talley light weight rings
- Moa trigger stoned and resprung with Ernie trigger spring breaks at 2lbs
- it has exactly 94 rounds through the barrel.
Before any work was done.
Only chip or blemish on the rifle
Load work up with H1000 and 165gr matrix VLDs
I will take $1400 shipped to your FFL for the rifle, no scope or bipod.