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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXIf I had to guess I'd say Bill Larson is refering to "threads" as in barrel tenon to reciever threads while Beelzebub is refering to "threads" as in topic posted on this forum.
Just guessing here. lightbulb
BillLarson is being a smarta$$
I hope everyone can tell I was being a smart... about someone else appearing to be a smart.... It was a joke. If you come to my office this is what people call me Dr. Bill, so this is my real name. If I put my whole real name the trolls may bother me more.
Im sorry if I offended you/some people but I can't stop laughing about this. I am not calling anyone names.
I hope everyone can tell I was being a smart... about someone else appearing to be a smart.... It was a joke. If you come to my office this is what people call me Dr. Bill, so this is my real name. If I put my whole real name the trolls may bother me more.
Im sorry if I offended you/some people but I can't stop laughing about this. I am not calling anyone names.